It is getting ridiculous Farmers. If I met Quackers face to face..well lets just say dinner is sorted! It seems to be very difficult to get what you want in the Mystery Game AND the Price just loves to get Higher! Back in the day Mystery Boxes seemed to be a lot nicer! Now I can understand it is all a probability, but the boxes just seemed to comprehend! BAN THE MYSTERY GAME!

yes please,don't like the new game
Yes Ban Mystery Game ..._____
I like the mystery game. Everytime I opened a box I got crap.
duh. Zynga makes more money on the mystery game and people can't hack it like they could with the boxes. they aren't bringing back the boxes.
I think that they need to ban the game and put the shit in the market for farmcash anyways since everything everything everything will always always always be FARMCASH. the only thing you can get for coins is stupid shit. stuff that isn't cute at all. yeah let me tell you i want a bunch of hay and barrels around my farm zynga! no i want nice buildings with unquie animals, i think that would be everyones dream! BRING BACK MYSTERY BOXES! why play a game to pop stupid balloons and waste twice our farmcash? quit cheating us out of money and start kissing our asses before you lose a lot of buisness!
all i know is i spent a lot of FV cash to get severals ducks and several lizards and a bear....but no horse...almost popped all the balloons...i wont play again
I popped all but 4 balloons before I got the horse. Pissed me off.
i popped my first balloon and got the unicorn it seemed easy
I popped all but 5 balloons & still din't get the dang unicorn... NEVER AGAIN!!!
I got the unicorn on my first balloon pop, however, I think the mystery game SHOULD be banned, and forget the stupid mystery boxes, they weren't any better!!!!! We are being cheated out of our money, Zynga must think everyone's rich. With all the games they have out now they are making a shitload of money. Now I hear they are suing someone for making a game called blingville, because they used the word "ville" in the name. Like they own the word Ville? Zynga is getting SUPER GREEDY!!!! Put the stuff in the market, let us buy the stuff we want and not the shit we don't want. I think there needs to be a ZYNGA game strike, we should all stop playing for a week. Maybe they'll do away with the dumbass mystery game and lower the farm cash prices on shit.
I think it should be banned!!!
most definatly. we need to go on strike, they are greedy. when ppl figure it out that that is all that ppl are interested in then everyone will be better off. like doctors are not interested in your health they are into it for your money.. have a lot and you have a lot of friends. dont have so much and you have true friends...
Howdy Farmers! If We want Mystery Box BACK! Take a pledge NOT to play Mystery Game till 4th of June Because the BEST items were in JUNE! If you agree COMMENT "banned"
I agree with just about everyone I am so tired of gambling................All I wanted was a Unicorn spent a fortune and never got one Please tell me what are the chances of a Unicorn even being in the balloons I won four purple pony's I could go on but my point is I popped every balloon their was no Unicorn....I was scammed
as long as there are enough peeps out there spending all that CASH on stuff... zynga will always put stuff out for cash.
If those of you who keep using cash, learn to control it, then maybe just maybe zynga will bring back things for coins.
think about it :)
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