1. Put your rare horses in the stable, then a stallion, then put a %34 or higher % horse in it, and harvest.
2. Don't take your horses out of the stable
3. Put another horse in with %34 of higher and harvest again (This will make your stable ready again)
4. Don't take your horses that are inside out, just put another %34 horse in it.
If the video Above not opens, you can watch it from this link :
2. Don't take your horses out of the stable
3. Put another horse in with %34 of higher and harvest again (This will make your stable ready again)
4. Don't take your horses that are inside out, just put another %34 horse in it.
If the video Above not opens, you can watch it from this link :

I guess I'd need horses for this..nursery isn't going to give me any..
how to make black stallion foal to be black stallion not the black horse at nursery barn?? thank you
How does one acquire a stallion, other than from the random game feed?
We need a video on the nursery,,all i get out is a black horse,(WHEN I GET 1) AND I DON'T EVEN HAVE ANY IN THERE.lOSING ALL MY GOOD FOALS.BUT THX.FOR THE ONE ON BREEDING.
@eky...the black stallion foal will only grow up to be a black horse...never a stallion.
@Anonymous...you can get a stallion from the holiday tree right now if you get 500 gifts to redeem or have a neighbor who gifts you their extra. Or you have to wait until there's a stallion in the market to purchase, either directly or through the mystery game. There are no stallions currently available in the market.
@barbara...foals will not grow up to be the same as their parents...i.e. a candy cane foal will not grow up to be a candy cane pony...it will grow up to be a blue maned pony.
I pull my horses added to make the Stable ready (seeders) out, because i only have a couple rare horses, if I left all those common seeders in after i harvest lowers my change of getting a rare foal if there was more commons than rares in the stable
The way to check what each type of foal will grow up to be in the nursery is to put the foal in the nursery then hover your cursor/mouse over that particular foal when you look inside and it will tell you what that foal type will grow up to be. None of the foals who are from adults purchased for money from the market will ever grow up to be anything other than a black horse, that is how Zynga makes sure people keep buying their horses, if you could breed them then no-one would buy them I suppose!!
That is a Messed up way of Breeding!!
Plz help us how we can get stallion :(
if you cannot purchase or get the stallion from redeeming gifts, then you have to grab a wandering stallion from the feed... he stays for 24 hours...
why not the let the foal grow in same horse :( its sooo depressing have so many foals but cant have any good horse out of them except mini cream horse :(:(:(
thats right the foals must be grown up like they are a forest foal like a forest horse a gypsy like a gypsy and all the rest also not only in black horses pfff whay collecting all rare foals if whe get only that black horse.
sorry this may be opposing to some of you, but (do you think its fare to grow foals same as their parent, since all the horses are bought for farm cash?). one pays and the rest getting it for free.
I also will love to get all these rare horses but i guess i fare to keep the system this way. (you should understand this games are totally for business).
i tried v hard to get a stallion in the past. paid a lot of farm cash but no luck at all. but finally with the holiday tree return, i was able to redeem a snow stallion. (so the best way to get one now is get 500 holiday gifts)
yes, if you are lucky you can get one from the holiday tree winter whimsy. or you must collect 500 gifts for it... so hurry up!
sorry for being a bit greedy. if any 1 can offer me any of these "two" horses (costs around 50fvc), i can share a snow stallion.
Pinto Horse
Percheron Horse
Autumn Horse
If you think its worth, msg me, or don't bother.
Zynga ws smart for not letting the rare foals turn into their adult counterpart. If they did, nobody would buy any new horses in the market, knowing eventually they will get them for free. Look at the Longhorn cow, many of us bought one only to get it for free in the feed trough 3 months later. Nothing is sacred in this game if Zynga knows they can make a buck off it.
Here is a trick to get what you want out of your stable, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNJSkP98Aws
the foals should grow into the adult horse. Not everyone has money to spend on buying horses. From the other side of the coin I have purchased a number of horses & been so disappointed when I discover the foal grows into a black horse !! aside of course from the percheron clydesdale and cream draft & mini .. I dont mind sharing but when I have paid money I would like the foals to grow into the adults
i guess some is not getting the point here. just think you spend a lot of money buying something and the rest of your friends can get the same thing from you for free. and this cycle will go on and on. so, there will be no one to buy these horses. everyone will know somehow they will get a horse from a friends.
or r u selfish enough not to share anything with your friends?
if you dont mind taking a lobby lotto foal do it this way..if you would rather have a little more control take all horse out..when they are 34 & ready add your stallion first..then a special horse you bought in the market and then a mare (brown or gray plain horse) then harvest..you might not make as many coins this way but you harvest many more times and you still can get 10 100 coins from the stallion if he dont make you a foal
People that dont spend farmville cash for anything need to quit conplaining that the foals dont grow into the horse like their mothers..you didnt spend money and you shouldnt get free horses.,,if zynga did this they would not sell horses if people get them for free get real it wouldnt be fair to those who have bought the horse!!
what is the difference, some of paid for trees also ie gumball and now you get them free on feeds. I get tired of folks giving away links for them and posting anyway and they are gone. No matter what, people won't be happy anyhow. I think 20 fc for mystery game is way too much, especially for some of the stuff you chance getting. I wish they let you breed the unicorn.
I have spent over 500.00 getting my horses and stallions. I purchased at least 3 of each one when I could. I have about 37 different rare horses and i put everyone of them in the stable with a stallion (i even have the snow stallions, the mini black stallion and another stallion in there), then I use all my other horses rare and regular black gray and brown ones as seeders. I never take any of my horses out except the seeder. Usually I get a different foal 6 out of 10 times harvesting. From the nursery I try very hard to get Cream Draft Horses, or mini creams. they are great for seeders.
I produce at least 40 to 50 fouls perday and i do not breed them like they said to do above..My stable is always empty untile i start breeding. When my horses are at 34% or higher then i put All my special horses (Horses i buy) in, then i put my stallion in and then a breeder horse ( black, brown, grey or cream ) then i harvest..I leave all horses in untile and just keep moving seeder horse in.When i can not fit any more breeder horses in, i go into stable and remove a breeder horse and then go get another one that is 34 % or greater and put him in and harvest..I do this until i run out of breeder horses :) it works for me everyday
I keep only my awesome horses in there, and I add one horse at a time, and I do take the 34% horse out, otherwise you end up getting brown/black/grey foals, I never get those anymore.
The Key is: share foals with your friends and your friends share 'em with you. If you dont have an Stallion ( black or white) THE ONLY WAY IS playing The Mystery Game(20FV each) or helping the stallion posted by your friends.
However.. All the foals that you breed will not be yours, only Farmhands,Arborists and 100XP.
Belted cows are better, they bring yourself lots of cash...
It makes me upset that i pay for the rare horses, put them in my stable, they produce a rare foal and I post it but I don't get to keep a rare foal too. I can only post it and give it away. They should give use one to keep and one to give away.
I Don't do mine like the above either, after i am done breeding, i empty my stable out, i have 33 special horses. i put my stallion in and then put my special horses in one at a time... harvesting in between. i don't even use seeders and it works the same.!
I am totally confused with this nursery thing, I know u cant get specials out of it but around 6 months ago I put in a BSF...when I harvested the next day it gave me a BS, up until then I could only use the wandering stallion, dont know if it was a glitch but it has'nt happened since!
this is complete BS i followed all the fdirections and didnt get what was promised
ok you say that its not fare for you, your friends to have a special horse for free from the nursery barn but its fare for you to breed special foals and not be able to keep them???? i bought many special horses and i have no special foals, but my friends have all the special foals (and all their FV), but they dont have special horses...so THIS IS NOT FARE....!! :)
seriously!! This is a game and complaining is just stupid, lol! I have horses and foals. I breed regularly and collect off the feed for my foals:) If Zynga didn't make horses for FV cash then they would make no money. You rarely get anything for free in this life so be grateful that the game itself is at least free to play and quit whining about foals not growing into horses!!
Put all your horses in the stable. Collect a stallion from game feed. When your stable is ready to harvest collect it. After collecting look inside your stable and remove most of your horses. They are now stallions. Once your horses reach 34% or higher place one in the stable to make the stable ready again for harvesting. Harvest the stable & CONTINUE THE PROCESS until all your horses outside are in the stable. After that is done remove most of the horses again to have stallions.
As a daily breeder myself who has spent 100's of pounds to buy the farmcash to buy the horses i would not object if friends less fortunate than me were to egt the foals grow up into there adult form in the nursery but i do see zynga's point of view that no it wouldnt be fair for this to happen.I also dont even have a brown or grey horse on my farm i have around 50 or 60 special horses as you call them and a whole bunch of various stallion i just use these adding one at a time to harvest so my neighbours dont have to be bothered with grey or brown foals
I have had a black stallion, since the very first mystery dart game. The first dart I throw when a horse is part of the mystery dart game, is aimed at the center balloon. Never fails, at least for me to score the horse. The most recent of which was is asian pony. Before I had a stallion, I harvested my stallion-less stable using the take one out, put 34% ready horse in. I got the stable ready light to come on and collected the coins and found lots of those 100 XP's, Farmhands & Arborists. At any rate each harvest is worth 5,100 coins. Do that with 40 horses and thats 200,000 (approx) bonus coins every day. Good luck.
Now if you was luck enough to get a Snow Stallion it also works as a white or wandering stallion as well....and fallow the steps above...it does work...also...coins have went up...they are now 10100 per harvest of stable...
1. Zynga gave all players the opportunity to get a stallion from the holiday tree. If people wanted one badly enough the opportunity was there to get one.
2. Put one stallion in the stable.
3. Add one special horse, 34% or above.
4. Harvest
next add one more special horse 34% or more.
If you don't want to make a particular horse more than once in a night, remove it before you continue adding one special horse at a time and harvesting.
My stable is always empty unless i am breeding horses. It's nice to have these lovely horses out on the farm, they all work as seeders, even the stallions.
level 37 and learning.is there an amount of times you have to harvest the nursery barn before it produces? can i just stuff all my minis in and wait? do i need to wait until they are ready to harvest and move them in the nursery with the move tool? I am already breeding foals, but cant get them to grow in the nursery barn, HELP!
Is all this breeding part of the Zynga game or just cheating. I have seen people level up 2 to 3 times in a day by breeding cows...If it is legal, why doesn't Zynga make this known to all players?
it says not to remove the horses, the stable onlt holds 40, what happens when it's full? I only have room for about 20 seeder horses. and have more seeder horse than that...
think you should be able to grow the foals into the grown up horses, but only if you are willing to pay the farmville cash, so say you didnt have the cash when the candy cane pony came out, you can grow your foal that you got from the feed for the farmville cash that it originally cost
I see that you can 10.000 coins could get from the stable when you breed, but when I breed I get at least 3.000 how does it come, who can tell me that.
how much time left on the holiday tree?
CAN you breed the cows....and does anyone know how? Please let me know,ty
The breeding is not cheating but is a part of the game as you progress. Where do you think all of the rare foals come from. If you see anyone offering the rare foals just ask them how they do it and I'm sure they would be happy to tell you, I know I would. If you want to breed the rare foals you must be willing to put real money into the game in order to buy the rare horses. I have every rare horse that has come out since Dec. of 2009 and have put $100's of dollars into buying the farm Cash in order to have them. If it was cheating then why would Zynga have the rare foals? You can also breed the chickens & cows.
I never get 10100 for breeding ... I get about 3-4000 ... !!!
someone here who have something pink for my farm please ......
<3<3<3 I just got free 310 fv cash from this website <3<3<3<3<3<3 http://bit.ly/eaHCXC <3<3<3<3<3<3
How can I get a stallion for my english farm when there are not any available to get
in the market?
i think the point everyone seems to be overlookng is this ... if foals grow up to be only regular horses and not the same breed as their rare mothers ... what exactly is the point of the nursery barn in the first place ?
I spent a ton of money hoping to win my very first stallion from the weekly drawing. I had 100 tickets, when usually I don't bother with any amount over 25 tickets. Apparently, I didn't even come close. You can imagine I'm feeling pretty frickin cheated right now. I would have asked for tickets from friends, but the English countryside quests were running at the same time, and it was hard enough getting some of my neighbours to help me out with that.
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