Farmville has set a limit to collect Farmville items from the News Feed. The new limit will allow you to collect only 125 items per day from your news feed. These limits are introduced to stop players using various automated gift snagging tools.
With the new limits effective to all the farmers many auto snagging tools including the SnagBar from GamerUnite and Farmville Wall Manager will be of almost no use.
Even for the farmers who love to spend a lot of time on news feed collecting free gifts manually would not find it an amusing change.

Well. That just sucked a bunch o fun out of it.
What the fack is the point of adding multiples of friends if you cannot snag their gifts and giveaways! WTF???
I think this is a bunch of bull so that means when i collect my stuff i fave to be done for the day... thats not right i have alot of friends to collect from as they do from me i think this is wrong in so many way farmville you need to stop this only getting to collect 125 items a day and give us back are chicken breeding
Since there are so many greedy people out there..maybe this will make people collect only what they need instead of everything they can get.
Sorry but that sucks so much !!!!!!!! I find that everyone can collect so much Gifts as he would ... It s totally unfair this!!. :O((((((((( I give all my Friends Gifts and i would also get gifts , that s the Fun to get the Gifts ......
I do agree that people who use the snag bar are messing it up for the rest of us but seems like there should be a way to just stop them altogether and not punish the rest of us ... I do it manually and I have alot going on with my farm so 125 is not making me very happy ... it stopped me at noon today so now I guess I just have to go and get a life until tomorrow ...
THIS is SERIOUS BULLSH*T!! i mean really now? ..WHAT'S the point of putting a LIMIT on this? WHAT will they gain? THIS is ridiculous! and it's even a VERY LOW limit at THAT!!!! uuugghh Couldn't they have made it maybe 500 or so?..but,nope. had to be stupid and make it 120 i think it is? I have been a very loyal, paying fan of FV. This is just absolutely STUPID!!!..ggrrrr...crazy ppl doing this i freakin swear!!!!!!!
Why offer a Farmville snagbar and then a few months later add limits to it??? That and is a REAL DUMB IDEAL!!! Maybe I will take my REAL $$$$$ somewheres else!
The Snag bar isn't just greedy people using it. and its not the reason they're doing this. the SnagBar, is simply a helper. not a cheat,not against any rules, nothing. if you'd try it, You'd understand that it's not a "hording" thing. BUT there ARE people out there who are greedy little bastards tho, even with the Snagbar and without. but, don't blame the Snagbar. its a helper. its only collects what you need. and reviews the feed every few minutes or so,, and even automatically helps with peoples Barn Raisings, send gifts automatically, so you dont have to do all the clicking, and even has a "one Click Gifts" button where you can accept all gifts at once. Its truly is a HELPER Bar. Not a cheat,doesn't steal from others "boxes", or more then 1 of any item at a time, or anything like that. so please, try and be open minded, and Try it before you Knock it. =) trust me. I am not being mean.
*this is my personal opinion*
*Opinions are like assholes, everyone has them* =) Have a great day.
and btw. totally dislike the whole "limiting" of gifts...doesn't seem very fair. =(
I am the one who posted about the "SnagBar above" i was meaning the GamersUnite! SnagBar. Not the Zynga One. just to Verify. =)
I think there must be a better way to prevent the snagbar users other than punishing the real players who gather fairly. Well I suppose I will not be wasting as much time on this game...might be a blessing...although I would have preferred to have made my own decision rather I was done playing or not...way to go farmville...maybe you should keep on looking for a better way to stop the cheaters. Waiting on the expansion to be sold in when
There is nothing wrong with the limit. Who needs to collect 125 items anyway. I have seen farms where they have everything you could possibly collect and in multiples and their farms look awful, like a flea market. So I think the ones complaining the most are probably the ones who use snag bars...oh well too bad.
No. The ones complaining the most are serious players, who spend hours searching through feeds. Most likely to have multiple snowmen for water cans, many many orchards and seedlings, etc. Feed limit is dumb. Water cans, seedlings, building materials, and truffles should be exempt. But as it is, we can't even pick up truffles shared with us. I have neighbors with over tens of snowmen. This means that one can reach the limit in less than an hour with just water cans. No one in my network uses snag bars. We click and click and click. We're mad clickers. And some of us can amass over 500 items (water cans, holiday gifts, building materials, truffles) in one day. The 125 gift limit makes no sense. Not for serious players. It takes all the fun out.
Well, I guess this means we can have a life now. Or move onto a different game. I'm betting on the latter.
THIS IS GREAT NEWS !!!!!!!! it will give people a chance to get then without worry of them nasty greedy ungreatful players
haha...cant laugh my balls off...bunch of loosers in here...get real kids..move off ur ass and get some work done..
It appears from reading most of the comments regarding the new limit that many of these FV players are scared of a little competition or...they are so obsessive that they can't stand to miss out on anything & everything if when they go to sleep or to work. People, it is just a game...if you don't like the rules EVERYONE is suppose to follow, then you can just discontinue playing the game.
Also to the individual that commented , "...bunch of loosers in here...move off ur ass and get some work done"...I don't know if you a referring to those who use the autobots or to the gameplayers in general. If it is the latter then just a personal remark...those of us that work in high stress jobs and in dangerous locations find this type of interactive game relaxing and it takes our minds off, if only for an hour or so, of where we are & what we do. I work in Iraq 330 days a year and have been since mid-2004. Perhaps you should consider doing something that tests not only your skills & talents but your convictions as well...and not just work in a cubical or retail store day after day. But then...most people can't or won't do the job I do over here because people get killed or injured every week. But hey...each to his own.
When it takes 8 watering cans to grow a tree, ten bricks, nails, boards to build, 8 bottles to grow a lamb...there isn't much you can do on your farm with the 125 gift limit FV has implemented.
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