And we wonder "what exactly would this foal look like?" Here it is !

A month ago or more there were HUGE rumours of Unicorns soon being able to be breed! If it is true or not I do not know but there is still no sign of anything since! So Gabriella has been working hard and tried to figure out and design "what exactly would this foal look like?" Here it is!
Would you want a Unicorn Foal if it was available to adopt? Happy Farming!
Would you want a Unicorn Foal if it was available to adopt? Happy Farming!

not only unicorn breeding, think abt the 28x28 expansion. where is it?
so cute !!!
I hope they do, I was pleased with my unicorn but disappointed when I couldn't breed it. Maybe it is so.
it should look like like the unicorn....not a cross of candy cane and unicorn....blah!
anything new on why no free fv cash, after posting that we won or received some for following the things to do list etc?
lol I think that free farmville cash thing was a fraud. I'm disapointed that the foals do not turn into their adult selves. I mean how hard is it to just grow them up? Sick of only Cream, Blue, Black, Brown, and Grey adults UNLESS you buy the adult!
The unicorn was definitely a Christmas item... don't want to breed that.. A farm should be a farm...if you want the exotic items and city stuff , then you shouldn't be playing farm.
Breeding. If you are a breeder or relying on a breeder for a colt, then you want things to stay as they are. Changes in their growing up wouldn't help anyone and remember when the colt grows up you don't get to keep her...LOL.
how is a unicorn a Christmas item? that's the most preposterous thing Ive ever heard. Next, what, the candy cane orcs? goblins? give me a break
There were two unicorns released. The regular white one, and a candy cane unicorn. They were both mystery game prizes (at different times).
"breeding. blah blah" WHY would you want things to stay as they are? Breeders do NOT get paid nor do they get the colts... There is no benefit to it. EXCEPT for the fact that BREEDERS PAY for the rare horses.
ok will the foal grow up to be the same type of unicorn
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