Cow Pasture Guide!

Cow Pasture: Breed even more animals now!

The Cow Pasture is now available to breed more animals in FarmVille! Harvesting the animals inside the Cow Pasture counts towards Animal Mastery! And guess what? More animals in your Cow Pasture means more chances of finding adorable Calves! Build your Cow Pasture and start growing these cute little animals today!

The Cow Pasture is the sixth of seven total new breeding buildings to be released.

Farmers with an Animal Trough will receive a message to replace it with a new Cow Pasture, Livestock Pen, Zoo, Pet Run or Wildlife Habitat. But do not fear, the Cow Pasture, the Livestock Pen, the Zoo, the Pet Run, Wildlife Habitat, and other forthcoming breeding pens will offer you even more opportunities to claim Animals!

Note:Now that the new Cow Pasture is here, the Dairy Farm will no longer be available in the Market. If you have an exiting Dairy Farm, it will remain on your farm.
  • Players will be able to keep their existing Dairy Farms.
  • The old Dairy Farms won’t produce calves for any new cows (but current cows will still produce calves that you can share).
  • Once the Cow Pasture is released, the first time a you click an old Dairy Farm, you’ll be presented with the option to trade-in all their old Dairy Farms for an exclusive cow and Animal Feed. If you decline, you’ll be presented with the offer again every once in a while.
  • To get calves that you can keep and share, place a new Cow Pasture! All cows can produce a calf in the new Cow Pasture!

Breeding your Cow Pasture Animals:

You can breed a wide variety of Cow Pasture animals, such as cows, shorthorns, longhorns, yaks, bovines, and oxen.

You don’t need pairs of animals to find a Calf; you just need one of any particular cow in your Cow Pasture to have a chance of finding its Calf upon harvesting the Cow Pasture!

Placing the Cow Pasture:

You will need the following Building Materials to complete your Cow Pasture:
  • 10x Hay Bundle
  • 10x Stone
  • 10x Tin Sheet

There are four ways of obtaining Building Materials:
  • Free Gifts Tab – Send a Free Gift to friends to help them with their building
  • Click on green button “Ask for Part” – Send requests for parts to any friend once every four hours
  • Click on the green button “Complete Now” – Use Farm Cash to complete Building immediately
  • Click on the green button “Buy” – Use Farm Cash to obtain that specific part

This is what your Cow Pasture will look like once it’s completed:

Upon completing your Cow Pasture, you will receive one free Irish Moiled Cow:

You can store up to 20 animals in each Cow Pasture that you own. Like Orchards, you can have more than one Cow Pasture on your farm and can choose which Cow Pasture you would like to use to store a specific Cow Pasture animal.

Clicking on the Cow Pasture gives you the option to:
  • Look inside
  • Apply Instant Grow
  • Move
  • Sell

You can view all your current animals inside your Cow Pasture, including Animal Mastery status and quantity, when selecting the “Look Inside” option. You can also use Animal Instant Grow which will be applied to all animals inside the Cow Pasture:

Cows that are qualified for the Cow Pasture but are not placed inside the Cow Pasture (whether you own these animals or not) appear translucent:

Some cows are available in the Market.

Harvesting your animals inside the Cow Pasture:

You will see a pink arrow above the Cow Pasture once it’s ready for harvest and an orange illumination around when hovering over:

When you harvest your Cow Pasture for coins and Animal Mastery, you have a chance to find a Calf! The more animals inside your Cow Pasture, the better your chances of finding a Calf upon harvest.

To qualify to create a Calf, a cow must be in the Cow Pasture from before 10% harvest progress until the Cow Pasture is harvested.

When you find a Calf, you’ll have the option to share an extra one with your friends!

All calves produced by the Cow Pasture can be shared with friends via the Newsfeed! So keep a lookout in your Newsfeed for Calves that you can claim from your friends!

You don’t need pairs of animals to find a Calf from your own Cow Pasture; you just need one of any particular animals in your Cow Pasture to have a chance of finding its Calf upon harvesting the Cow Pasture!

When you don’t find a Calf upon harvest, you will find Animal Feed which you can use to feed Mystery Babies from breeding pens like the Wildlife Habitat, Pet Run, Zoo, and Livestock Pen!


When you find a Calf after harvest, you will be able to place the little baby on your farm. There will be a green illumination hovering over open areas on your farm:

After placing your new little baby on the farm, you will have eight options:
  • Grow Up! – Use Farm Cash to complete animal immediately
  • Move
  • Sell
  • Apply Instant Grow
  • Stay
  • Rotate
  • Pet
  • Store Item

Your Calf will remain a baby unless you choose to ‘Grow Up!’ using Farm Cash.
Calves of cows who came from the Mystery Game can’t be grown up; these adult cows are exclusive to the Mystery Game and will have “Mystery Game Exclusive” in their menus when you click on the baby.

Don’t forget: To qualify to create a Calf, an animal must be in the Cow Pasture from before 10% harvest progress until the Cow Pasture is harvested.
COMING SOON: Calf mastery!

When trying to move an animal, the appropriate Cow Pasture will illuminate in blue and then you can place inside:

Featured Animals:

The last three animals placed inside your Cow Pasture will be featured after exiting the “Look Inside” option:

We hope you enjoy breeding a greater variety of animals and continuing to collect your Animal Mastery signs!

Happy breeding, Farmers!


Anonymous said...

What a F..k ... where should i put my 80 cows in it?? only 20 cows in one cow pasture??? i hove no place for 4 or more pastures!!!!!!

Was für ein scheiss ... wo soll ich meine 80 Kühe reinstellen, wenn da nur 20 reinpassen????
Ich habe keinen Platz mehr für 4 oder mehr kühzüchter ställe. :(

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Für das wachsen lassen der Kühe wieder cash bezahlen????? sind die langsam bescheuert da oben bei Zynga, denken die hier spielen Millionäre Farmville?????

Anonymous said...

i think farmville will lose a lot of people if they dont get there act together they are getting to greedy they want people to pay for everything with farm cash instead of coins

Anonymous said...

This new pasture is horrible.. bring back the old dairy. Why csnt you guys leave alone what works and FIX what DOESNT work please!!

Anonymous said...

You can keep the dairies. You don't have to get rid of them. This pasture lot is aimed directly at the people who want to breed calves and grow them to adults. Yes, it's farm cash, but...we have been asking for this for many months now. They just have to start letting us keep foals now. If you don't want to breed them, don't put the pasture down. You make the choice.

Anonymous said...

me han quitado,las cuadras donde tenia mas de 4000 vacas y me las han mandado a la caja de regalos,es una verguenza lo que hacen con nosotros,y esto me parece absurdo,que hacemos con los terneros?? llevamos años conservando alguno,para nada.Han quedado en darme una respuesta en unas hora,si no me dan mis cuadras pedire a todos mis amigos que tienen granja que hagan otra huelga de 24 horas.ESTO SE HA CONVERTIDO EN UNA ESTAFA!!!

Anonymous said...

I think I speak for most when I say the new Format that Facebook as chosen to use is horrible. It is confusing and WE all wish you would go back to the way it was in the very beginning.

Anonymous said...

excuse me, I have 193 cows....!!!!
where i put them all;;;;;;

Anonymous said...

i have over 200 cows where the hell do i put them u can only put 20 in the pasture oh my god why do u have to keep messing with things are aint broke i clicked that i didnt want to get rid of my dairy but it took it anyway this is getting ridiculas getting to the point where im just not going to bother and get rid of my farms

Anonymous said...

limiting the amount to only 20 cows sucks! I don't have room on my farm to place more and more buildings, pastures, etc. Hope they don't get rid of the chicken coops which right now hold 100 chickens!!!!

Anonymous said...

Farmcash to grow!? Excuse me but WHAT THE FUCK!?
What is next, are they going to remove the Nursery Barn so we can't grow them any other way or what!?

Anonymous said...

THEY WILL get rid of the chicken coops ...

Anonymous said...

where do all these cows go, only 20 go in a pasture, where do I put the other 100, buy more pastures, i dont think so. i thought this was farming game, building game maybe.....there is no room for all this shit......going to stop playing

josehg58 said...

Nuevamente en Zynga vuelven a tomar el pelo, sin pensarselo y sin compezar de ninguna manera deciden algo y si lo quieres bien y si no TAMBIEN, paga con FV y yo gano que para eso he hecho el juego
Huelga o dejar de jugar es la solución

Sèrèèn Røøz said...

I did not like it
Where will we go in cows ..??
This does not tell us anything :@

Anonymous said...

j'ai malheureusement clické au dessus d'une de mes trois etables et sans plus d'explications de la part de zinga !!! je me suis retrouvée avec toutes mes vaches dans dans la boite a cadeaux !!! cela prend enormement de place !!! j'estime que j'ai ete bafouée je veux recuperer mes tros étables !!! je ne vois pas d'interer de nous proposer une nouvelle étable si non que pour nous e......der !!!

Anonymous said...

I hate this new thing. I have mostly belted cows that cost 1,000,000 each. what about that. how can i harvest them from this new thing you have thought up. Put fv back like it was

Shut Up Whiners said...


What a bunch of WHINERS!! If you don't like the changes to the game, then STOP PLAYING. Nobody has a gun to your head forcing you to play ffs.

Anonymous said...

I love it

zelle said...

New quest don't appear on my farm- Why?

Anonymous said...

Zynga tiene que sacar la cabeza fuera de su culo. En primer lugar las personas que se habían iniciado las misiones Inglés no podía acabar con ellos. Luego agregar el Cove y para ampliar lo que tienes que pagar con Farmcash. Ahora bien, esto con las vacas. Ellos están comenzando a ganar dinero con hambre. Lo que hay que hacer es dejar de añadir cosas y empezar a arreglar los juegos que tienen ahora y dejar de tratar a la violación la gente por dinero.

Anonymous said...

Can't put in in my cove farm because one of the quests is to grow more than 35 plots and I am not using REAL money to buy extra land

Anonymous said...

Este nuevo pasto es horrible .. traer de vuelta la lechería de edad. ¿Por qué csnt ustedes dejan en paz lo que funciona y arreglar lo que no funciona por favor!

Anonymous said...

I do not understand why farmville has brought all of these new things out and making it to where you have to have farm cash to do anything with it. If you have to have farm cash to get your crap, then why the crap give it to everyone. Let it be something you buy for farmbucks. Yeah I really look friggen forward to breeding cows just to get like a butt load of calfs that i cannot grow up. If anything make it to where people can put them in their nursery.. I shall pray for you that one night soon deep in your sleep that you will get a frickin clue.

Nancy Manard said...

I want my dairy farms back, I am not,,,,,repeat...listen up...NOT going to spend hard earned farm cash to breed cows.....WANT MY DAIRY FARMS BACK....!!!!!!!!

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I'm feel sad with farmville! Especially the light cove. I need to spend alots of farm cash. And the cow pasture aswell, it's horrible, please bring back the old dairies!!! Are you hungry with farmcash? I'd pay alots of US dollar! The currency between It and Malaysia Ringgit is so high u know?

Anonymous said...

Hello, i am sure that 99 % of the people who play Farmville, play it for fun and challenge without having to pay a single penny for anything.The way Zynga is going greedy with their impossible requests wanting the people to buy Farm Cash to get all the stuff they need to finish a request is totally wrong, rather than making the game really hard & boring to continue, it also makes a lot of people leave the game disappointed and desperate.So please enough, if for me, there is plenty of sites where i can play all kinds of games, like Pogo and others or even download some games exactly the same as farmville and playing it on my hard drive, and it wont cost me a thing.So please reconsider your options and go back to old times and i'm sure everyone will be happy. Another comment on the New Idiot Layout, it made a lot of game requests go insane, sharing is slower, when we accept our friends requests , the requests stay in our request inbox and don't go until we accept once again from the home page/game requests.Its a waste of time to cancel 100 request every single hour, especially when we are playing more than one game....plzzzz go back to the old Layout.Thanks

Anonymous said...

what the hell is this!!! its becoming boring and unfair, all the hard Quests and Breeding that need Farm Cash ??? what is worse is this Lighthouse cove, after working a full week day and night to complete it they gave us an impossible mission , how do u think we could spent all these big amounts of cash when you just give one FV every single level ?????? and after working hard to make our Farms beautiful , you simply took out all our Dairies !!!!! and replace it with silly coins, STOP being greedy and let the people enjoy this site and Zynga games, otherwise i'm sure a lot of people will leave. And think again of getting the old layout back, the new one really sucks.

Anonymous said...

I placed your pasture and my diary barns disappeared now all my cows went into my gift box..then it only holds 20 and I had 100 cows..what are we gonna do...Dont like it at all..

Anonymous said...

Zynga... please stop the shit with the whole Brüterei.
1. if we do not have so much place on our small farms
2. if we want here no zoo, but a farm (if I liked to play zoo, I play another play and no Farmville)
3. if we have much more animals than fit in these small stables
4. if we still want to send other presents except feed. Nevertheless, it cannot be... that one needs 1000000 things for Lightning Cove to the construction and much more feed. With me my unincubated animal babies pile up.) Pays me, then I have the whole day time to go on feed and building materials search.
5. if you already give us a new farm, it makes please also greater for Coins and not for Cash.
Zynga...bitte stopt den Scheiß mit der ganzen Brüterei.
1. haben wir nicht so viel Platz auf unseren kleinen Farmen
2. wollen wir hier keinen Zoo, sondern eine Farm (wenn ich Zoo spielen möchte, dann spiele ich ein anderes Spiel und kein Farmville)
3. haben wir viel mehr Tiere, als in diese kleinen Ställe passen
4. wollen wir auch noch andere Geschenke verschicken ausser Futter. Es kann doch nicht sein...dass man 1000000 Dinge für Lightning Cove zum Bauen braucht und sehr viel mehr Futter. Bei mir stapeln sich meine unausgebrüteten Tierbabys.) Bezahlt mich, dann habe ich den ganzen Tag Zeit, um auf Futter- und Baumaterialien- Suche zu gehen.
5. wenn ihr uns schon eine neue Farm gebt, dann macht sie bitte auch größer für Coins und nicht für Cash.

Anonymous said...

Question for those that have already placed the cow pasture ... are ALL dairies gone (meaning on the other farms as well) or just the dairy(s) on whichever farm you placed this pasture?
Just thought I would ask "before" I place it (IF .. I do).

Anonymous said...

Please give me back my 4 huge diary farms. What should I do with my cows. I have a lot of. It's not ok to put the diarys away from the farms. The cow pastures has an another working as the diarys and I have bought a lot of belted cows. If I want to breed cows I could by a cow pasture. please change. As <i click accept, I have not understand that all the diarys gone away, because my english is not so good.

Anonymous said...

FV should offer an opportunity for people to get their dairy farms back. It is unfair that placing the pasture caused the dairy farms to disappear and ship all the cows into the gift box. Now, all of my cows are homeless, and I feel like I no longer want to play this game. It used to be fun.

Anonymous said...

Can we send a request to FV if we want our old dairy farms back?

Anonymous said...

Please FV give us our old dairy farms back. I had 6 dairy farms and now have no place to put all the belted cows I bought for a lot of coins. My farm is ruined, and the game is no longer fun.

Anonymous said...

think the game has gotten out of hand for all, with all the missions and now with all the changes I can't publish the important things that I need to help me and can publish the less important things, it's been four days since I was able to publish request for these missions that you dont even give us four days to do it in and then you add something else. And as for the new facebook setup, give me a break, zynga/facebook, you are going to lose your ass on this if you dont listen to the people that are playing your games.

elroy said...

For all who lost their dairy ,I feel your pain! I too Lost 5 Huge dairy did not make it clear that would happen FV that is dirty pool in my opinion FV should have to give us all who lost our dairy because of this deceptive way ,a TWO SIZE EXPANSION FOR FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY COWS are TIRED of Being in STORAGE HEAR ME FV!!!!

Anonymous said...

You have totally ruined a good game. With so many people being out of work and this the only enjoyment that many have with your new fv cash only and all the changes you have made people can not afford to play your games anymore. I am on a fixed income and cannot afford to pay cash for things so you have lost another player. I hope you loose everyone and then maybe you will realized what your greed has done.

Anonymous said...

People, this site is NOT Zynga! Stop putting demands in here telling FVMasters to fix it. This is just a fan site that gives the latest news.
And for the cows, sell them!
You can still keep the dairies. Just click 'cancel' when it asks you what you want to do with them. Grow up already

Anonymous said...

I have to agree that Farmville is becoming expensive to play. I do really enjoy it, so am not ready to give up just yet; however, it is disappointing that players are unable to complete quests due to lack of cash. I think that, perhaps, we need to stop taking it so very seriously. After all, it's only a pretend farm on a networking site...

Anonymous said...

This post should have been posted prior to making me make that choice, as I learned the hard way, by losing my diary farms!!!!!!

caramela said...

Zinga posso perguntar como posso comprar a casa antiga das vacas ? Desapareceram todas as casas e agora não tenho espaço para pôr todas ..Muito obrigada.

Anonymous said...

Don't like it, I want my dairy barns back.... Hate the new cow pens...

Anonymous said...

this is ridiculous!! i paid for my barn expanded them and now i have to buy again but this time build a pasture for my cows? wtf? i have 5 on each farm and 7 of them are full and then you want to give me more cows and animal feed!! shouldnt you be giving out some parts better yet switch my each of my dairies for already built pastures!!!and upgrade how many go in there! this is beginning to be tooo much work for a game damn fix the one click share thing and stop worrying about things that are fine. i will be quitting soon

Rebecca said...

I am disgusted. I had three dairy buildings, two of them upgraded to contain more animals, and FV took them all away and gave me one crappy pasture THAT I HAD TO BUILD that only contains 20 animals. What am I supposed to do with all the rest of my cows???? The pastures are also larger than the dairy buildings were and I can't fit 3 pastures in the spot I had the buildings, assuming I want to build more, which means buy them and then build them out. Whose idiot idea was this?

Anonymous said...

Stop whinning and either quit or play. It is a game and no one twisted your arms to sell your dairy barns. I kept mine and use the pasture. So I can't raise any new calves in it. It said the ones that are already in will continue to produce. You didn't read that or you would have known it before you got on here and made yourselves look so stupid. Stop complaining and play. It is getting old hearing all the cry babies here. If you have a problem go to the zynga site to do that. this is for other reasons not problems with fv. so quit or shut the f up... :)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous you may make a fair point but you're terribly rude - woulld you be so brave if you put your name to your posts I wonder?

Anonymous said...

I want my dairy barn back. it took it without allowing me to choose. We should be given them back..

Anonymous said...

for all those who want the old face book back all you have to do is go to your account settings and change the language to english uk and it will go back to the old facebook

Bonnie said...


Anonymous said...

If i don't leave FV if just because i've spent a lot of time and some fvcash to improve my farm. I've lost my 5 huge dairy farms without any warning, just when i harvest one of them, the other 4 dissapeared like magic. Dear Zynga frieds, why are you doing this, it's a real mess. Last changes are really the worst thing you've ever done. Maritza

Anonymous said...

shit///''' idon't want this i need my old dairy farm i get old farm

cécile said...

Après avoir terminé la " cow pasture ", j'ai eu la mauvaise surprise de voir disparaitre mes 5 étables et toutes les vaches et taureaux sont allés direct dans ma boite à cadeaux . j'aurais préféré être informée auparavant . je me sens flouée et maltraitée .
rendez moi mes 5 étables .
je me permets de vous dire que vos nouveaux locaux pour produire des bébés animaux sont plutôt laids .

Anonymous said...

Dairy farm with belteds yielded me a lot of XP and many coins. What yield cow-pastures? Calves? What to do with them? Only to sell them for only 120 coins?!?! COME BACK TO THE DAIRY AGAIN! ! !

Anonymous said...

i want my dairy farm back