New Loading Screen: Lighthouse Cove!

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New Loading Screen: Lighthouse Cove!


Anonymous said...

NOT another farm to play on! Sheesh. You already have people paying real MONEY for things. NOT everyone has the REAL MONEY to pay for the pretty things. Why not listen to the fans and have us use our millions of coins that keep racking up into the millions....dang!

Anonymous said...

YES!!!! Bring it on!!! Ignore the idiot who sent the above message. I know that 99% of Farmville fans will welcome this with open arms. I LOVE the ocean, the beach, lighthouses, everything that this new farm is all about. When is it coming????

Anonymous said...

i love playing farmville but....the prettiest stuff is always farmcash. i hate that. i run up millions in coin and then i don't have a place or things that i want for to pay for with coin. that is a drag. i have thought about quiting often. but i like playing. i almost quit when gaga got put on here. dredful i didn't buy her junk. and what happen to getting churchs for out farms. some times it feels like a prison. but i keep playing but there will be a day that i will get tired of it.

Unknown said...

Hope it's free! My wife and I, need to pay to get a new electric wheelchair for me. And, my hours at work just got cut again!

Anonymous said...

woohooo new game i love farmville and english farmville and new game .. yay yay go for it and i enjoy and relax and collect them .. hehe !!!!

Stephanie said...

I agree that Farmville is trying to BLEED its players dry by assigning Farm Cash value to it. However, NO ONE has EVER PAID for the use of either farm. Just seems like a ridiculous place to vent about the Farm Cash problem! I am SUPER EXCITED about the prospect of more crops to master, more quests, more crafts to make....there are plenty of things you can do on the farm without spending MONEY. :-) So...just enjoy those things and stop whining about what you can't afford.

Anonymous said...

hiya, i cant wait for the new farm ;)...i love farmville, but its a shame that loads of new things are fv cash, thousands of players have millions of coins, but nothing to send them on :(...i dont no way zynga bring out a feature into the market to trade coins into fv cash, im sure 99 % of players would be up for what do you lot think??

Anonymous said...

Great idea! Can't wait!!!

Anonymous said...

i look forward to the new farm and eveything it has to offer but i must agree with others that the best things to buy are always farm cash, why cant we at least be able to change our coins into farm cash if we wanted to as an option ?

Anonymous said...

Love the idea of a new farm. And to address the Farm Cash statements, I too would like to see more items released to spend coins on. Keep the Farm Cash items too. Just give us more to spend the coins I have 12million lol. Or a novel idea let us trade coins for cash. Like one million or two million for 5 farm cash.

Anonymous said...

OMG another Farm? I am kinda excited I love the beach and the ocean, but I have trouble keeping up with two of them now with the quests, harvesting and breeding How are we gonna do a third? I agree on both sides about the FV cash thing for all the neat pretty things but Y can you make a comprimise, such as when something first comes out okay charge FV cash but after a week or so change it to coins, at least then everyone has a chance to get something nice. I love playing fv but sometimes w/ work its tough to keep up but gonna keep trying and God help me with the third farm.

Anonymous said...

No one cares that any of you crybabies cant spend your coins. Can you complain to mcdonalds that they charge for food?Can you complain to Nintendo that the Wii or it's games aren't free? So stop griping and whining about stuff costing farmcash, grown a$$ people crying about a game about farming.

Anonymous said...

I agree with this comment on top. I also want to get new stuff but can't buy it but have a lot of coins. This new breeding thing is dragging too long, get only coins and animal feed, sometimes a baby. I can't buy new animal etc but for coins I will do it. The farms are too small to put all the new gatgets on so one must sell or store items to make place for new ones

Anonymous said...

i love playing fv, but i have almost 5,000000, and can't buy anything because even to expand your farm you need fv cash.can't you find a way that we may buy the same items with coins?

Anonymous said...

It would be a lot better if we could trade coins for cash so everyone has a chance to get the really cool stuff in the market :)

Anonymous said...

lol i do hope those last five post were from some peeps just needn to vent, i enjoy my frams altho i do wish that it was a lot easier to buy with coins, BUT then we would soon need a 50x50 farm if you did not need$'s to buy stuff, when my kids ask what i want for b-day, mothers day etc, i say f/v card, and a picture of you son, daughter, grandbabies. have a good day all:) happy farming!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I spend my millions on the animals that got me LOTS of points. (the cow and some long tailed bird thing) thats how I got to be # 1 on my friends. I agree about the money thing BUT I've never bought any money and never will. I too would LOVE to expand but hey ... I still enjoy the play and trying to be #1. I quit playing for over a year ... can you imagine IF I kept playing where I would be?

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the Ocean theme!

Everybody should just stop fricken whining,No body is ever forced to by anything!

The nicer items cost because Zynga has employees and hardware like rack servers to upkeep. It's not cheap on their end!

If you don't want to support them then stop playing or at least stop welfare whining about something that is also free to use.

Anonymous said...

For the people who are calling people IDIOT, AND BEING rude, GROW UP. If people want to express how they can't afford it. So be it. FREEDOM OF SPEECH. NOT EVERY BODY CAN AFFORD. There is a lot of people who are on social security who can't afford. Just makes me mad that people can be so rude. Welfare whining. You are very MEAN person. Excuse me I am not on welfare. I can't afford it either.

Anonymous said...

I'm excited about the lighthouse cove too. I agree that It would be nice to be able to buy things with coins but no one forces you to spend cash.

Anonymous said...

The people that makes these games, they make money, if they did not make money they would not be doing this. Facebook has a lot of company's that Advertise on this site. They get paid every time you click. I do agree that Zynga does make money on the items that we buy. There is other ways Zynga makes money.

Anonymous said...

geez...I have 4 accounts, 8 farms...let's see, with the Cove it'll be 12 farms...BRING IT ON!!! lol Even with the greed & continuing giftbox lock-up...I can't get enough FARMVILLE!

Anonymous said...

bring on 3rd farm
i hate it when people moan about new stuff but then moan than they dont have enough space

we should have anew quest aswell where we get to use our hot airbaloon and go round the world to different farms doing quests

Anonymous said...'s ridiculous...195 fv cash for an expansion...seriously...what did I hit the lottery and don't know it. Too much greed going on w/all zynga games. I'm unemployed, support myself, ready to lose my home, to play the game, but its getting to the point where I don't want too..reminds me of having NO MONEY!!! Be humanitarian....for a change!! Especially since all the glitches that occurs...why would I want to use my own money, when the technical team doesn't fix anything, nor compensate for our losses..Zynga is the only one benefiting from that...

Anonymous said...

ho hum ho hum, everyone complaining- cant afford this- no room for that- problems everywhere, well here is a solution- DONT PLAY THE DAM THING!!

Anonymous said...

Please sell the pretty things for coins , seems we have no use for them anymore..the game is beginning to suck as we are all tired of everything costing fv$. Please do as your fv players asked....

Anonymous said...

I don't mind another "farm", but I do agree about the use of real money. I am not paying real money to play. How about let us use some of our like someone else said, millions of coins to buy some nice things and to make our farms larger.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

do we have to pay for this new farm?? like other people said, we cant we convert our coins into fv?Come on Zynga, listen to your players! let us use our many coins to get to play this new farming game.

Anonymous said...

i pay cash for my pretty things its better than gambling lol bring it on

Anonymous said...

I think this new game should be free like the other games such as Farmville and The English version, why should we pay for this one?

Anonymous said...

bring it on I have 11 farms in Farm Town , lol and I like the idea of a coastal farm. hurry!!!! For those of you who do not want to spend farm cash , don't you do not have to.

Anonymous said...

In answer to questions as to why fv doesn't let ppl change coins to farmville cash, I think that is a no brainer. The company pays expenses, employees payroll, taxes etc with fc they receive. I honestly don't get all the whining and actually it is flat out untrue that farmville does not give cool stuff for free and free farm cash. Everyone earns farm cash when they level up. So everyone gets 250 free farmcash since the company gives 1 farmville dollar for every level up to level 250. Further, the company is always giving horses for free in quests and in other ways. They have given many horses for free. They gave free darts for the mystery game and a lot of people got a free rainbow stallion from this. Likewise farmville gave the snow stallion for free some time ago. Now you get TONS of free animals from common and rare my6stery babies that you can claim from your neighbors. So, when will people ever stop that bawling and endless whining on these forums when the fact is it is absolute lies that farmville never gives cool stuff for free and again, they give quite a lot of farm cash for free as well....

Anonymous said...

you al whine and whinge to much.. FV has intro'ed many coin items.. if u don't wish to pay FV cash .. don't!

Anonymous said...

can any of you that have complaints,just think of the money you save by not putting real money out.I think about the money I save by not smoking cigarettes.So trust in the fact that it is a game,,not some thing you have to put real money out for. Food,clothes,and housing you have to pay to have and the game you enjoy is free.

Anonymous said...

I would love to have another farm but my concern is whether the servers and my computer are going to be able to handle the load. I have trouble now with server overload and don't need more. So I guess I will give it a try and see what happens; if I have additional trouble I'll just ignore it. But it looks really cool and I have plans for what I might do with it already! I just hope there are plenty of things I can spend my 13+ million coins on.

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to the new farm. Wish farmers would stop fretting about the farmville cash (if you can't afford it, forget it and enjoy playing the game). I don't buy FV cash stuff, but i do have fun on farmville...

Anonymous said...

70,000,000 coins wtf

Anonymous said...

i can't wait for the new farm to come i hope that maybe you can fish?...or atleast get them for your water.... i wish that either they would have more for coins or the things would be cheaper..i belive some things are as i have seen some farmville animals and things for 3 farm cash so thats a step... the new farm wil give us room to grow so we don't haveto pay to expand look at the bright side... i just hope we will be able to transfer stuff to this farm too... im also looking forward to more quests i just hope you get better rewards then we have gotten from these last set of quests...animals not just feed....?!?

Anonymous said...

I love Farmville and play everyday. I also pay for things that I really want. I am looking forward to the beach farm too. One negative - I am not wild about the zoo, pet run and wild life habitat. They are too small and take too much time to care for without much of a reward. I play zoo world for animal things - just sayin'...

Anonymous said...

Stephany, some of us have plenty of money but refuse to put it into something that is only pretend! When the game is over what do you have??? It is about time that things are offered like they said earlier, coins or cash. They said the extensions had always been available for coins but they haven't. If that is your bag then more power to you. Don't fault the rest of us who either can't afford to sink that kind of money into pretend games or can't justify doing it. I see too much real need for my cash than to waste it on pretend games just to keep up with the Jonses!

Anonymous said...

To the person who commented above, what a silly statement. If you have plenty of money and choose not to spend it, then don't and don't bother other folks with whining about what does cost farm cash in the game. Do you have plenty of money because you work for free?? Well, newsflash, the employees and owners of Zynga don't work for free either. Lots of things are pretend that people have been paying for, for a very long time. Movies are pretend, playstation that goes for 500 bucks is pretend, Broadway is pretend. Actresses and actors that make millions careers are pretend. Wake up and smell the coffee, you can go on and on about how income has been earned on by pretend likely as long back as man has existed. Again, if people can't afford the stuff that is cash, consider yourself lucky that Zynga offers the game at all for free- or put a lid on it and don't pay for it. If you can afford to pay and don't again, everyone is sick of the whining and crying- they sure will never work for free but they expect ppl that work for the Zynga company will- Absurd!!

Anonymous said...

Hi there! yup- you all know me- im your friendly neighborhood whinger, i have whats called- FWS (fv whinging syndrome). I carry all the classic symptoms- complaining-whinging-being an absolute sook, crying over this-whining over that, im NEVER satisfied with ANYTHING, nothing ever pleases me- im just a REAL DRAG. Will you people grow up??? Its a game- an AWESOME game!!! If you don't like it then move on- go find something thats meets you emotions needs, perhaps a lovely game of GO FISH!

Anonymous said...

2 is more than enough!! I barely have time to maintain them...

Anonymous said...

im enjoying playing farmville its something i can do with out of state family that i dont get to see as often as i like but yes im super excited about the 3rd farm i love the quests gives us new things we can get for our farms the farmcash things sucks big but my farm is pretty with out the farmcash items just because it has its flaws does not mean i wont play i enjoy it to much as for the complaners out there get over urselves its a game not real life

Anonymous said...

The third farm has been waiting impatiently ... Only have a few dollars less to buy

Anonymous said...

Cant wait for the new farm to arrive... Ive run out of quests on both my farms, so hopefully the new one will come with a few quests too.
I know its been said quite a few times above, but i agree, instead of moaning about this and that, then just don't play. If you cant afford farm cash, then look through the market instead at all the stuff that costs coins. And all those that are moaning about having millions etc, why dont you buy buildings and stuff then sell them and change all your millions to level up more... Or better yet, use all your millions to decorate your farm, then take a pic and send it to zynga, you never know, you might end up winning some of you highly wanted farm cash.

Anonymous said...

i dont know why your all moaning.. Farmcash isnt really that expensive... Once ive paid all my bills and done my shopping i still have enough left to sepnd about £4 on 25 farm cash. Its nice to treat youself once in a while. If those of you cant even afford that then your either managing your money wrong, or just here to moan. Either way, its not really zynga's problem that you cant afford to buy things that they work hard to create, their staff spend a lot of time making this stuff, so there not gonna just give it all away for free, it would be pointless.. it would be the same as one of us going to work 12 hours a day 7 days a week, and not being payed for it.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait....loving it...looks beautiful!!;-)

Anonymous said...

looks exciting

Anonymous said...

The point above is exactly correct! Farm cash is not all that expensive. I just bought mine for 40% (they have deals all the time). I enjoy buying horses and this makes the horses what? maybe 3 dollars a piece? If there is a person that can't afford 3 bucks here or there, or claims this, I say they are full of it!! I bet these same people pay 100 bucks a month for cable tv, a grand for a big screen tv and buy starbucks coffee for about 10 bucks a pop. As for ppl on Social Security, oh brother! Please! My grandmother was on Social Security and pleaded poverty all the time and she had 100s of thousands of dollars in the bank. If you have lived your entire life and didn't handle your money correctly to have your home paid for, and money in the bank and you have to depend on Social Security to live, then you were not so bright in your life and it is no ones fault but your own if you earned income for most of all your life and now have to whine about spending 3 to 5 bucks on something cute in the game. Really, in everyway the stupidity about complaining about paying for things in the game is unbelievable and honestly FV will never listen and the folks like on these boards surely aren't so stupid to believe your tales of whoa or care at all about your poverty cries!!!

Anonymous said...

and on that thought about S.S.I some of us dont get that much to even pay the bills and yes we worked hard all are lives to get shit and on that little bit of money I do get I do pay for some farm cash every month it just would be nice for some of the things not to cost so much some times and some of the quist you do to get some of the nice things you still dont get most of it neather and yes zinga dose listen when you have a promble and talk to them they do help you

Anonymous said...

The way the economy is, Facebook should be happy that people are paying for anything. Facebook and games in general need to realize that, most people don't have the extra money to just blow on this game or other games. They should be happy they get what they have recieved so far, and thank people for paying for some items, and not punish the ones who can't pay for these. If things get any worse, facebook & games, might be the next to feel the hurt.
I love playing Farmville, and yes once in a blue moon I have bought something. I say more items need to be coins, and LESS, FV money.

Anonymous said...

I personally don't agree there should be social security at all (forced ss anyway). People should have the choice to keep that money and invest it they way they want. (but that is a different topic). I am not insensitive, my father worked hard all his life, earned a good pension and also gets social security. Indeed in this economy no one considered things like gas and oil costing more then a mortgage. Though, the fact is many people that whine about being on Social Security have a bundle of money saved, several houses etc in the wealth they have built all their lives. No social security alone is not enough to live on, but there sure were times when people that are now on social security that these people could have bought houses for 30 or 40 grand. If these people invested smart and were now sitting back collecting rent on all of them, social security would be ONLY a supplemental income as it should be. Again, that is not the point. You can play the game for free! No one has to pay for anything!!! When they offer 40% off farm cash as they do periodically this makes the 'fun and cute stuff' very affordable. As I stated, this will equate to buying a horse for just a few bucks when the ppl that complain they can't pay that pay 100 bucks a month for cable, likely about that a month for cell phones, and ha ha this list is endless in what people pay for a bunch of gadgets that are no more essential then the farmville game. So, I maintain my position, if you can't afford it, that will NEVER make Zynga owners and employees work for free. This is the real world and it is the same all over- you can whine the rest of your life away but Mercedes will NEVER give you a free car! ha ha ha So folks get over the whining, and enjoy the game and be thankful Zynga does in fact offer the game to be played absolutely free of charge- yeah for all you whiners out there where many I suspect either have tons of money, or at minimum waste loads of money on fast food, cable tv etc etc. ALL the pleading poverty is all OLD and most of it is utter Nonsense!!! But if you are totally flat broke, that is life folks!! You can't buy anything so you get nothing - go figure!!!

Anonymous said...

all you old people crying poverty i guess that sucks to be you, shouldve handled your money better. Do you bitch to the bank because your house isnt free? can you go to grocery store and bitch about food costing? shut the fuck up and stop playing if you dont like it. Just like whiny ass old people even young ones to bitch about not having shit.....lame ass broke ass people. i hope it costs farmcash....i work for a living so i can afford it, fuck the whiners

Anonymous said...

people keep complaining about the fact that most things cost farm cash and yes it is unfair but no one is telling you to play. i play with the things that i get free or with coins. it doesn't cost to farm. Either enjoy what you can do or don't do it at all but to complain is a waste of time. Go to and send them your concerns.

Anonymous said...

I see no farm== just mostly water and trees???