Unreleased 'Be A Good Farmer!' Loading Screen!

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'Be a Good Farmer! Like and Leave a Comment!'


Anonymous said...

when are we going to be able to expand our light house with coins not farm bucks i think its dumb its hard for some of us that play farmvile to pay for farm bucks

elena volpe said...

e belissimo

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yes Let us expand our Farm's with Coin's instead it would be ease'er for us

Anonymous said...

pozz BiH,iz Zagreba... kod nas kao i kod vas nema wall martova i inih dučana gdje bi mogli kupovat game card, ali zato uvijek postoji netko tko ima visu,amex... lijepo daš tom neko m pare a on ti putem neta kupi gc. btw ja se malo raspitala, već se naveliko šuška da će konzum sklopit ugovor sa zygom o pprodaji kartica :) nadam se skoro..i da ćete vi moć kupovat ..

eier geier wally's farm said...

an expantion with cons AND neighbors -like in the time before- is not able? why???
i play this game since 2 years and bought a lot of fvcash. and now it's not possible to get the news without fvcash????
thats not right!
when i say: no to "lighthouse cove" i'll loose a lot of fv- friends because they know me as a "good and helpfull neighbor" since 2 years, but i can't help them.

zynga: do you have an idea? what can i do?
play for coins or leave this game???

Anonymous said...

its say i have 5 days to do my quest but i cant need to pay real money

Steph said...

I wish FV wouls allow us to spend COINS more - over the BUCKS . You guys at FV charge so much for things you know we all want and/ or need . Would you people PLEASE allow COINS rather then CASH all the time.. You people gave so many around the world whom play FV yet you can't even help the players who are loyal to the game..Come-on Now.. If it wasn't for us players, where would you guys be ?

Stargazer said...

I agree Steph. I have over 18 million coins and would LOVE to be able to expand my farm or get more things so I can use some coins. Also, does anyone know why they have set a limit on the amount of plots for farming we can have on the Cove?

Steph said...

The rich get richer even on the games we like to play on facebook. they want us to pay OUR HARD EARNED MONEY to get farm cash to get something we need. BUT they alllow us to EARN one DOLLAR when we level - up.. Thats right .. $1.00.. Ohh wow that one dollar doesnt do anything know how long it takes to make the next level...

Steph said...

I would love to expand my cove, but alas. I just don't have the cash to do so. so what you see on my clustered tight cove is it. LOL

Steph said...

I was told if you don't expand your cove you can only have so many plots to harvest on. Again they want you to Pay cash for Cash to expand in order to expand in order to plant more.Go Figure

Anonymous said...

you don't have to expand your lighthouse cove until you get to bonus quest 4 or 5. That's where it actually says "expand your cove to 14x14"

In order to plant 45 crops - what happened to good old maths, lol ???? 35 + 10 makes 45 right?? Takes you one more day of course but then - we're in no hurry there :-)))

Anonymous said...

hey -uckerberg how will you all feel if we all stop playing,it is suppose to be for fun,as you can tell you have alot of UNHAPPY PLAYERS.

Anonymous said...

I like Farmville alot. But I don't have money to buy Farm Cash. I would like to keep playing but if I have to BUY Farm Cash, I will have to quit playing, This thought makes me very sad = Upset Farmer.

Anonymous said...

Farmville is no longer any fun, everything for cash to many animal pens cant expand. I just miss the way it was where I didn't have to beg for everything and we could just farm do co opp jobs and send gifts. not worth my time as I played for fun and now its become harder then a real job.

Anonymous said...

This is America. We are known as the greediest people in the world. That is why so many hate us. Zynga, I understand that you have bills to pay and charity that you do. We players also have bills to pay. Give more options on some things at least. Expanding farms for example. Please. I am going to quit if they don't do that very soon - and I have spent a small fortune with them.

Anonymous said...

If we could get EVERYONE to agree not to spend a penny on Farmville for one week, maybe that would help. But good luck with that one.

Anonymous said...

I blocked farmville after playing for about 3 year. All the new animals, trees, everything is cash. This is a game and we still have bills to pay. The animal feed is also pathetic. I need 1250 animal feed to get my babies grown up. I have had ENOUGH.

Anonymous said...

Well on the begging subject, you could always do what I do when I need something sent. I have about 12 Facebook accounts. So when I need something I send it to myself. No need to beg someone to help you when you can just as easily help yourself.

Anonymous said...

Well, it is pretty clear everyone is fed up with farmville and their out of control greed, and I surely agree with this. I have paid out Plenty, but I paid for what I chose to spend on. Now they are bullying folks into paying for expansions and that is pretty gross- since it is unfair to leave people out of doing the new quests etc if they don't have money (special things well, that is life, if you don't have money, you don't get the good stuff). In any event this post is about a method to get more farmers to be courteous and not be rude and ignorant by claiming things without clicking like and/or commenting. I wish farmville would give us a method to see who the silent snipers are on our accounts. I have caught many by locking things with the suspected snipers name on it, and sure enough they snatch the item, and bombs away they go, off my account. In any event, it is nice to know that maybe more people will learn to have manners and click LIKE when they claim items