Unreleased Fairy Tree Stump House Quests!

Unreleased Fairy Tree Stump House Quests!
Fairy Tree Stump House Quest 10


Anonymous said...

no frikkin way , another quest !

Anonymous said...

uuffff masssssssssss entretenidos estamos si!!!

Anonymous said...

Stop the insanity Zynga!

I have no need to wonder why long-term (multi-year) neighbors are leaving the game.

Anonymous said...

Not Another one

Anonymous said...

slow down or give us more time, I'm getting tired of getting close to finishing a quest only to have it end before I get it done

Anonymous said...

I will not play this quest

Anonymous said...

instead of all these quests why dont they allow us to use our coins to expand our farms i have over 29 million and i cant use them as i have no room

Anonymous said...

how big is ths one... we'll be doin this till xmas 2012 !!!

Anonymous said...

Its getting beyond a joke now what was a game I used to love to play is now making me depressed its just too much!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Not Another one!!!!
slow down or give us more time, I'm getting tired of getting close to finishing a quest only to have it end before I get it done....

Anonymous said...

wind your necks in everyone, it's a game, bring on the quests, more the merrier, their is plenty of easy games on facebook for thickets.

Anonymous said...

lets see not another one , how about one at a time . a quest for each farm is getting to be way to much.

Anonymous said...

Yes, one quest at a time.. not a few quest, and so little time...

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Stop the quests, only for a week!!!

And make them a little easier. It's too much!

Anonymous said...

please Zynga stop the quests its to much sove first all the problems!!!!

Anonymous said...

stop the quests...please I don't like to play to farmville like that

Anonymous said...

wow....if you don't like the quests, the solution is simple...don't do them. Most of the time you get a decent reward for each stage you finish, which is better than the alternative which is nothing!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OOH sounds cool! I like these quests i just hope that there is enough time to do them

Anonymous said...

these things r getting ridicolous....if they would give u time to finish them might be different...hey everyone try pioneer trail(frontierville) at least they got enough mind to give u time to finish something

Anonymous said...

No one said you have to play them. It's not like they will close your farms if ya dont play... right?? So just ignore the little box in the corner and go play on your farm. Personaly I like the challange, besides how much can you do on the farm before you are just sitting there watching the grass grow before you can plant or harvest again :)). Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

:D i like the quests to ,so if someone don't like it DON'T PLAY IT!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i dont mind the quests its just to many to soon, im bored with having to grow things that i have already mastered,because of the continous quests i feel they have taken over the game, a bit of space might keep me interested...

Jennifer said...

you know i wouldn't mind the quests if mine actually posted... none of mine post and its making me mad i cant ever finish them

Joyce said...

12 parts? Each one had better be quick or the time limit had better be longer than 2 weeks! But I'm wondering why fairies...why not something a little more seasonal?

Anonymous said...

Actual they are giving pretty good prizes on the quest so all the people who complain about stuff costing farm cash and not coins shouldn't grip!

Anonymous said...

disgusting, that's why i left the game 6 months back, joined again only to quit again.

Anonymous said...

i like the quests. they give us things that we otherwise would have to pay farm cash for or not get at all. i think they should give a little more time to do them in but other than that i love that we can earn the rarer items by doing something as simple as planting and harvesting the crops we would already be planting and harvesting.

Anonymous said...

its offical..!!!I am gonna stop playing these quests!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i do love faries!!!! don't really mind doing quests but some you just don't have enough time!! unless you are up 24 hours a day for a week straight... just would like to be able to finish all the quests with time left over!!!

Anonymous said...

They have taken over how we play. They tell us what to plant, when to plant, what to make when to make, they tell us what to buy when to buy, irrespective of whether or not we have mastered the crops bought the stuff before or made it all before. Does no-one else think they are controlling us and we all are following like sheep? JUST A THOUGHT

Anonymous said...

I would like to say to those who say don't play it that's BC they have no life nd must be on their farm alllll dayyyyy longgg..... LMAO OTAH

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

they do this so you will pay real money or fv money to use the instant grow,why would they have us plant crap that takes 12 to 24 hour to grow,or harvest actually longer to harvest (the animals )we run out of time .they really suck we need to just all protest and not play the quest. I to need more land,and i will not pay real money and they stole my fv cash.........never did get it back wrote to them 3 times..... i use to love to play now i am starting to hate it,getting ready to just stop playing or just do my farm and forget the other crap.

Anonymous said...

Enough with all the quests .. Has any one noticed we plant the same things over and over again. Therefore, we can not plant anything else that we are trying to master, because we are always planting same item we have already mastered. They are slamming these at us one right after another, so they can make money on us skipping an item. Then if you look at some of the gifts (like last cove quest) we got a belted duck that was under free gift page??? What's that all about?? Then then put these quests out, step my step so you can at least plant crops on 2 farms to get a
jump on them (only harvest after previous quuest finished), but they put a change in and we wasted our time? It's all about money with them!!!!

Anonymous said...

Shut up ppl!!!!! Do you complain about the game play for your damn PS3 or XBOX games?????? No you dont!!!! Its a game, games have quests. Get over it or just leave. ITS A GAME!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i dont like it to i cant get more land so i cant play the qwest to the end. i have a job to and play it like this it is not fun anntmore most of the time i cant put the qwest on my home page so i cant finish in the time first make that oke and than you put a new qwest and some time between is nice it is to mutch at the same time you cant finis

Anonymous said...

they need to make it easier to get the things you need to complete the quest.also alow people to send more than one or two gifts at time. and give more time between quest.make more things avaialabe to buy with coins instead always farm dollars .make it easier to expand your farm.

Anonymous said...

quests are fun
one minute people are moaning there isnt anything to do and now we have people are moaning again
jeez the free stuff we get for doing the quests are enough to do them

Anonymous said...

vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvery Funnyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Anonymous said...

Bet as with the other recent quests they wont give us enough time to finsh it.

Anonymous said...

you don't have to do it if you don't want too, some of us will do it cause we enjoy the quest.

Anonymous said...

Complain, complain, complain.... First of all, if you don't like it, don't play it! Unless somebody is holding a gun to your head, there really is no requirement to play, it is voluntary! Zynga is a profit seeking company with employees, overhead etc... Of course they are in this to make money, do you think they do this out of pure boredom? Enjoy the game for what it is, it has it's quirks. Lighten up people!!!

Anonymous said...

I have always finished mine and no farm cash used! Plan ahead~I always have my first one done when it comes out! In the one that just started I had the first 3 quest done in 5 hrs.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand what people are complaining about! The quests are what keep me coming back to FV. I like that it feels like I am working towards a goal of something and not just plant and harvest meaninglessly. Keep the quests coming, and for those that don't want to do them, it's real easy people, just DON'T do them and quit your griping!!

Anonymous said...

I like the quests, EXCEPT they really dont give us enough time to finish them! And they are soooo close together. Plus, I am having the same problem a lot of my neighbors are with not being able to ask for things or share, which if I cant do that, then i cant do the quests! how about fixing the "bugs" first so that everyone can actually finish them and enjoy them! and slow them down just a little. i know most people like them, but it is just too much too soon

Anonymous said...

I enjoy quests in moderation. The fact that there are time limits is not necessarily a bad thing, but it can cause undue stress to people who used to enjoy a relaxing game environment. I came back because of the quests, but because they have gotten so crammed together of late, I`m seriously considering leaving again.

Although having people post the quest guides on the forum have helped in the pre-planning since my farm is smaller than most as I don`t buy game cash for any app.

Anonymous said...

I personally dont care whether they do quests or not, i dont know why people get so upset about them you DONT HAVE to do them just go on playing like normal and ignore the little quest box ,simple enough , if you want the extra work for the little prizes do them!! whats the big deal folks ?

Anonymous said...

please give us more time to finish them

Anonymous said...

I am getting really sick of this game....Why feel the need to do this? This is the only game I play and I am bout to stop playing it! Whats the point of this.....

Anonymous said...

It's difficult to ignore the quests when you items come at you in place mode and you can't do anything but place it and then delete it. I've not concluded the past two quests, not enough time and not enough peeps actually helping me out. So I'm going back to growimg my crops and harvesting my cows.

Anonymous said...

if an item comes in placement mode, click the arrow and it will go in your gifts. i want certain bldgs. on a certain farm. i like the quest and love that this site gives the heads up on what's next (planning). my only complaints on them is i need more land to place all the stuff & i won't pay fv cash. the biggest is trying to post. i've had to go to support almost daily. gets fixed, posts, then stops. way to many bugs to work out which causes frustration. i love the challenges tho. :)

Anonymous said...

so when will this set of quests start and when will you be posting what is needed? i don't want to harvest a bunch of stuff, trees and fields, only to have the quest come out 10 min. later. so when, when, when??? lol

Anonymous said...

this place is set up to cater to the ones who continue to spend FVC on the items they make--- which is why they can't fix the issues that many farmers have to even play the simple game of harvesting. support only tells you they are working on the issues, offer you a trinket for your inconvenience, but they dont fix the issues anymore it seems so instead more issues build up weekly as time moves on.

Anonymous said...

I would not mind the quest as long as the rewards are worth it. As it is the rewards are wimpy..

Anonymous said...

I agree, before issuing endless challenges Zynga should fix the countless problems there are with this game. I do not mind challenges but there are just too many too quick and they have made the same mistake in other games. Personally I believe they do it because people get frustrated not being able to finish the quest and start to spend money on them in order to complete on time. They are not listening to what their players are telling them and just carry on regardless. I used to love the game but now because of all the problems it has become aggravating and I for one am considering leaving

Anonymous said...

i just love the quests keep them coming just let us expand our farm with the coins its not everyone who has a credit card

Anonymous said...

I like the quest, I like the prizes at the end of the quest, now having said that; please do not give us quest like the light house cove which requires 40 of each item, when the requesting link is messing up. Please make the quest attainable in a significant time frame.

Anonymous said...

I am enjoying the quests, but as long as there is enough time to complete it, people have family and work commitments so as long as it is achievable to everyone and not having to do them like a full time job, this is supposed to be fun, this game is part of my chill out time and i dont want to feel under pressure to complete with unrealistic time frames

Anonymous said...

I seriously have never seen more people bloody whinging about a game in my life. I would like all of you whiners to get up and go to work in the morning...FOR FREE...!!! How completely ridiculous does that sound...now...think about what you are asking the Zynga programmers to do...exactly what I just suggested...I don't know about you, but I sure as heck am not going to work for free...why should they??? Further more...you can thank ME, and the many, many others who do buy the cash...and keep this game FREE for all you whingers!!!!

Anonymous said...

If you want to give us more quest then give us the land to do so...and stop putting things that are not farm related into farmville. Too many nonsense stuff taking up all the room and no place to continue with our normal game.
Have they check to see how many people are getting fed-up with all they have to put up with in Farmville and no solution in view.

Anonymous said...

I like the quests, but i have to agree with everyone that is saying about us paying. I'm about done playing because they are wanting us to buy farmville cash. If they would just let us play and use coins for upgrades it would still be a fun game to play. But to expect us to pay for land upgrades is stupid. It's getting to where I don't want to play anymore. And I already have friends that quit because of the paying.

Anonymous said...

No one says you have to do every quest. I find the ones that interest me and do those. I don't always finish them, but I do get some cool items. Not really understanding what everyone is complaining about.

Anonymous said...

Very easy , we all dislike the guest . I miss playing the relaxing farmville ( the only game which was NOT a rat race) So I am NOT doing them. Who needs another animal dressed up for the up coming holiday. The Land needs to be coins as it all ways was. Bring back the game we loved.

Anonymous said...

Ugghh....i like the quest and all because i cant afford to go buy farm cash all the time and alot of the quest are giving you the stuff for the prize, so that is like the only reason that i do enjoy the quest...BUT PLEASE ALLOW MORE TIME....it is really hard to finsih them when there are so many things messing up with farmville....like one is that sometimes the animals they ask you to harvest wont go toward the quest or it wont let you ask your friends(wont show up one the news feed),or they have you harvest 110 plots when your only allowed to have 95 without buying the next size farm(but only with farm cash)....so why not fix some of the probs and still have the quest(with a little more time allowed0)...Please and Thanks

Anonymous said...

all of you who are complaining about paying farm cash to upgrade your farms are not waiting long enough to buy the upgrades with coins. i have never paid for a farm upgrade with cash. they always put the upgrades for coins after a quest is over or enough time has past that most people have already wasted the cash to upgrade. i have upgraded my lighthouse cove 3 times already using coins and my other 2 farms are upgraded as far as i can get them using coins. i have enough room on all of my farms to complete the quests in time. i only use the farm that the quest is for to grow the crops that are required for them. the other farms i plant the crops that i havent mastered yet. and the pre- posting of the quests does help to get them finished quickly. i also grab the items for quests i havent made it too yet, from friends posts.

Anonymous said...

i like it as well but one thing i dont like that u cant buy land until u add a person i need one more person to buy this land i need people so please add me thank u i send gift all the time

Katherine Savord said...

I'm in a place right now. I like having the quests because they are fun and I can get some nice FREE stuff by doing them. But I also agree they are a little close together. If we could have more time for each quest or just make sure those players who don't have the extra friends or the money to up grade can get the quests done. Would also be nice to not have one quest span over more than one farm.

Anonymous said...

let me guess 12 quest in 2 days and you have to grow 500 crops that take 2 days...ohhh i'm game bring it...haha

Anonymous said...

I am finding there are too many Quest as well. Plus trying to do them on all Farms .. you don't always get to finish them. Also too many things to request from Friends.

Anonymous said...

Fix the bugs in the game before adding something that only enhances the bugs, then bring on the freaking quests. Just fix the problems that have been around for months first, PLEASE

Anonymous said...

Someone else mentioned the emphasis on spendin money for FV cash, trees, animals, buildings yada, yada.....I heard that they, Zynga, were in financial trouble....we all know why...everyone is quitting!

Anonymous said...

you need to fix the other problems like not being able to post for what you need for the quest b4 you start adding other or more quest to the game. and make the quest shorter, and crops not so many to harvest that take 1 day when you only gice us so many days to do the quest.

Anonymous said...

i have been playin farmville for a while now and i liked it better when they let you finish the quest whenever it was done...the english country side was the first then they added a time line on it which was kinda unfair cause not everyone got down so the ones that did it kinda seem unfair....i play everyday i can't even get all the quest completed...just make it two where you have a month to complete a quest if you want more than 1 then let a person choose i can't even get the lighthouse cove completed just can't.....its so not fair.

Anonymous said...

at least the quests are giving me items for free where other wise i'd have to pay! so stop your winging if you dont want to play them ignor the box in the corner!

Anonymous said...

i am 15 and i not stay on here all day i go to school and cut grass and rake leaves i on here about 3 hrs a day and i get the quest done and still have some time to spare if u not like them all then just do the ones u want

Anonymous said...

please keep the quest simple and achievable within a short time.. half day will be very much appreciated... we need also to work and sleep.. I WANT TO FINISH ALL THE QUESTS BUT ITS GETTING TEDIOUS ....

Anonymous said...

Anyone know how long it takes to harvest zebra chapter 9? I've been 2 days and nothing, not advancing.

Anonymous said...

Everybody complain but we go on trying to make the quests, I say lest stop making any one for a couple of weeks or a month, if they don't change, lets stop any play for a wile, they need us as much more that we need them.We speak about a flash game they speak about money, very nuch money, to loose.
Z** users revolutión.