oh yeah Thanksgiving! I was going to rave about the great Christmas colors and memories they bring up but looks like FV is going to milk T'Giving a little more than stores have. It was a special time (of about 3 days ) because the next to have the "primitives" over for dinner (Virginians, 1640's) poisoned their beer and as the first ones dropped those who were slower were beheaded by the Englishman standing behind each one as valet in costume incl "honorary" sword. Of course this hatred went way back to Pocahontas' dying "of smog" while England refused to let her leave it though she was aboard boat ready to leave for days, saying she was still unfit for the voyage, which the Indians contended was the way to save her life, and that they were killing her on purpose.After her death the Jamestown people's friend Chief Powhatan ran "where white man would never see him again" giving his power to his brother who massacred almost everyone, if not everyone, living in the farmhouses off the fort in 1622 by forcing them to walk home to England through the ocean.Of course someone who lost family had a grudge 20 years later. The best white-Indian relationships may have been before any one shed blood, with the early French trappers in Michigan, but the best English-Native American relationships were those in Plymouth Rock, the only other colony besides Jamestown happening in 1621 besides some Dutch in New Amsterdam and the Spanish in St Augustine Florida who came and left and then may have been gone.Before Jamestown,there had been two attempts at colonizing the Americas along the Atlantic- a Spanish tribe had been wiped out, and in the second try the first American, Mary Dare, was born and disappeared with all the rest when England left them here without supplies too long. When the Brits finally got back to them they were gone except for a carving in a tree naming a tribe of Indians they'd been friendly with, and in the woods the whites found blue-eyed Indians. Jamestown was the third try, in 1607,with the Mayflower following in 1620,a riving almost in 1621.The Mayflower's destination was the northern tip of Jamestown but it went of course landed in Mas. & stayed.In Oct 1621 they had no reason to be biter toward each other but the Indians and white colonists were not good friends.The Brits killed 4 gamebirds to celebrate getting harvest in and the Indians heard the shots, came over and went and got 4 deer to add and all ate for 3 days. Farmville needs to honor that good story of the US with 2 2 farms there and 2 milion residents playing its game. I hope there are other Thansgiving horses that don't just look like blankets were thrown over them, like dress-up for Indians in school play. Prettily- beaded manes and tails, lots of soft,natural-color leather. And not stereotype Pilgrim clothes please! You have already added the holiday to everything but don't let the only Indian item be something one has to pay $110 for like the Cheifton Gnome is.There should be avatar clothes, whatever kinds of huts, longtables, the Wampanoag Indians lived in in 1621,you've already got a little item of clay pots made by S.A. Indians you could sell,could have rope round 2 trees with moose & bear skins hanging, a gnome Indian woman with arrows on her back who can jump on a horse and ride a few feet-all of it one piece, with a menu command "ride"-another grome one bent over pestle and grain-Indians liked ponies right? You could do them justice and stop the "yee haws" like America's a hick, hillbilly society, all hayseeds.
i love this one please
love it!
very nice i cant wait
I want one!!!
Anonymous said
oh yeah Thanksgiving! I was going to rave about the great Christmas colors and memories they bring up but looks like FV is going to milk T'Giving a little more than stores have. It was a special time (of about 3 days ) because the next to have the "primitives" over for dinner (Virginians, 1640's) poisoned their beer and as the first ones dropped those who were slower were beheaded by the Englishman standing behind each one as valet in costume incl "honorary" sword. Of course this hatred went way back to Pocahontas' dying "of smog" while England refused to let her leave it though she was aboard boat ready to leave for days, saying she was still unfit for the voyage, which the Indians contended was the way to save her life, and that they were killing her on purpose.After her death the Jamestown people's friend Chief Powhatan ran "where white man would never see him again" giving his power to his brother who massacred almost everyone, if not everyone, living in the farmhouses off the fort in 1622 by forcing them to walk home to England through the ocean.Of course someone who lost family had a grudge 20 years later. The best white-Indian relationships may have been before any one shed blood, with the early French trappers in Michigan, but the best English-Native American relationships were those in Plymouth Rock, the only other colony besides Jamestown happening in 1621 besides some Dutch in New Amsterdam and the Spanish in St Augustine Florida who came and left and then may have been gone.Before Jamestown,there had been two attempts at colonizing the Americas along the Atlantic- a Spanish tribe had been wiped out, and in the second try the first American, Mary Dare, was born and disappeared with all the rest when England left them here without supplies too long. When the Brits finally got back to them they were gone except for a carving in a tree naming a tribe of Indians they'd been friendly with, and in the woods the whites found blue-eyed Indians. Jamestown was the third try, in 1607,with the Mayflower following in 1620,a riving almost in 1621.The Mayflower's destination was the northern tip of Jamestown but it went of course landed in Mas. & stayed.In Oct 1621 they had no reason to be biter toward each other but the Indians and white colonists were not good friends.The Brits killed 4 gamebirds to celebrate getting harvest in and the Indians heard the shots, came over and went and got 4 deer to add and all ate for 3 days. Farmville needs to honor that good story of the US with 2 2 farms there and 2 milion residents playing its game. I hope there are other Thansgiving horses that don't just look like blankets were thrown over them, like dress-up for Indians in school play. Prettily- beaded manes and tails, lots of soft,natural-color leather. And not stereotype Pilgrim clothes please! You have already added the holiday to everything but don't let the only Indian item be something one has to pay $110 for like the Cheifton Gnome is.There should be avatar clothes, whatever kinds of huts, longtables, the Wampanoag Indians lived in in 1621,you've already got a little item of clay pots made by S.A. Indians you could sell,could have rope round 2 trees with moose & bear skins hanging, a gnome Indian woman with arrows on her back who can jump on a horse and ride a few feet-all of it one piece, with a menu command "ride"-another grome one bent over pestle and grain-Indians liked ponies right? You could do them justice and stop the "yee haws" like America's a hick, hillbilly society, all hayseeds.
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