FarmVille Holiday Gifts Prizes:
FarmVille Caroling Horse

FarmVille Caroling Goat

FarmVille Caroling Sheep

FarmVille Poinsettia Tree
FarmVille Giant Poinsettia Tree

FarmVille Caroling Snowman

FarmVille Teddy Bear Snowglobe

FarmVille Frozen Fountain

FarmVille North Pole Sign

FarmVille Snowglobe Horse

FarmVille Snowman

FarmVille Blue Soldier

FarmVille Caramel Bear

FarmVille Gold Candles Set

FarmVille Ice Cat

FarmVille Snow Fort

FarmVille Penguin Statue

FarmVille Snowy Through

FarmVille Red Nutcracker

FarmVille Red Soldier

FarmVille Santa Scarecrow

FarmVille Frosty Snowflake

FarmVille Snow Drift

FarmVille String Lights

FarmVille Holly Fence

FarmVille Lighted Hedge

FarmVille Giant Candy

FarmVille Luminary Fence

FarmVille 3 Pack of Turbos Charger

FarmVille Fertilize All

FarmVille Watering Can

FarmVille Arborist

FarmVille Animal Feed

FarmVille Farmhands

Ya, I used the "open all" button & now all my presents are "stuck" inside my tree!! They are not in my giftbox for me to use!! WTF?
I like them
Thank you Zynga! Some pretty awesome gifts this year, and love the way we get them, by just putting out curser over them. :D So much easier than all that mouse clicking!
I think I have opened just about everything here except the caroling horse. Some of the things show under the tree but never end up in my gift box like the string of lights and the snow trough. after opening over 500 gifts only got 1 turbo.
I had to stop after opening about 200 and when i came back the other 400+ were gone.
Missed a few after looking over this List. Some were too much of /Repeats!!!
farmville is a disease stop playing it
Didn't get the pegacorn. That sucked. Still waiting
I got everything on the list except the Caroling Horse which I really wanted!! Meanwhile I got 70 each of the Luminary Fence, Giant Candy, Snow Drift, String Lights, Holly Fence and Lighted Hedge!! What am I going to do with 70 of each of those things??? The Winter Pegacorn is BEAUTIFUL!! I think it has to be the most beautiful animal Zynga has released!! Thankyou Zynga for the (mostly) great prizes!! :)
is a caroling cow, not a caroling horse ...¬¬
The Caroling horse is not apart of this that one is from the Save the Children donation...
Opened 1500 gifts even though they said cap was 1000. Got everything except the Penguin Statue. Very very happy. Plus as I collect more gifts I can still open them.
i had over 4900 gifts and i only got 1 turbo and the horse was the winged pegacorn...not the Caroling...and several of the items i got so many of each that if i used them all id have no room for anything else on my farm...not even 1 single plot or tree...for example...i got 133 of each of these items...String lights...Snow Drifts...Lighted Hedge...Giant Candy Canes...thats 532 gifts that were totally worthless to me...
Got all but the Caroling Horse and the Penguin Statue. Thank you though for all I did get. Very pleased with them!
i think that they shouldve given us more of the specialty trees and animals...like adult horses instead of having to TRY and get them outta our Stables and like me i keep getting nothing but Black Horses outta my nursery babies and there are NO black foals in my nursery at ALL...
The Winter Pegacorn is truly beautiful...i didnt get the caroling horse though :(
Crazy, A couple of the things are cute, but what am I going to do with so much of the other stuff. Store or sell? Probably sell. I do not need all those lights, snowdrifts, hedges......give us something useful! What a waste of time that was!
What are the turbo chargers?
I had over 780some, I opened a couple hundred and then when I came back the rest were all gone. What's up with that?
Loved the Christmas Gifts from ZYNGA ~ Really "COOL" when Santa SWOOPS through the sky to help open all those gifts ~ I believe I got everything except the Caroling Horse...has LOTS of gifts ~ Looking forward to New Year's EVENTS!
got the turbo...have to say i liked last years better...gas, farmhands and arborists are much needed with all these farms now!!!!! just selling off all the other stuff....
I used the open all and now it appears that all of mine are still in the tree (I think) My pegacorn was in my stable and I sold most of mine. For the amount of gifts that I had under the tree I don't think that I got them all. The strings of lights never did show up anywhere....what's up with that? Not that I care, I'd just sell them anyway. Don't want them taking up storage space. Last year was better....just sayin!
Opened all at once and like others they are stuck and I cannot get them cheers Zinga !!!!!
mine is stuck at the happy holidays from zynga screen and i clicked the open all button. wont let me open any more that i have added since then either because it stays on the happy holidays screen.
When I go to play Farmbville, my farm is about the size of this box. When I try to move through the farm, I lose even this much. My friends pictures at the bottom of the box is regular size. Where do I go to report/fix this???
I liked the gifts I received, though I have tons of fences and hedges it's cool, i'm just gonna make some extra cash. I wish they could've added instand growth as a present! Oh how much that would help with these quests!!!! Maybe next year?.......
Awesome....you guys hit a home run !!!!!!!!!
My gifts never ended up under the tree or being counted . I would use from the gift bar and they would not go under or count under the tree. they would just disappear. So I worked hard for nothing !!
I got alot of spikes, rails, coal and beams which I don't need any of
I didn't even get an "OPEN ALL" button!!!!!!
my gifts are stuck under the Christmas tree just like the first comment states...I don't know what to do about it...I have tried everything...some gifts have come through my gift box like the huge candy canes and the fences and lighted strings things like that...I also clicked on the "OPEN ALL" button...is there something we can do about this to get our gifts...great gifts and great winter wonderland farm...enjoyed the Christmas season on Farmville for my first time...thanks for a great Christmas Zynga...
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