Hawaiian Paradise Chapter V Quests!

All Aboard!
* Get 4 Life preservers
* Harvest 25 Mussels
* Harvest 60 Hilo Pineapples

Rewards: 125 XP, USS Guppy , 850 Coconuts

Reef Madness!
* Get 6 Reef Maps
* Harvest 30 Kelps
* Make the Pineapple Hash recipe 4 times

Rewards: 150 XP, Shark Cage, 850 Coconuts

A Bit Crabby!
* Get 8 shark Suis
* Harvest 45 Rock Crab
* Harvest 45 Oyster Beds

Rewards: 175 XP, Scuba Driver , 850 Coconuts

Swimming With Sharks!
* Get 8 Chum Buckets
* Harvest 50 Shrimp
* Make Seaweed Soup 4 Times

Rewards: 200 XP, Leopard Shark, 850 Coconuts

Showoff Sharks!
* Get 8 Aqua Cameras
* Harvest 60 Yellowfin Tuna
* Harvest 1 Leopard Shark

Rewards: 225 XP, White Tip Shark, 850 Coconuts

Fish Spotting!
* Get 8 Telephoto Lenses
* Harvest 65 Ono
* Improve Volcano Reef to Level 6

Rewards: 250 XP, Marlin , 850 Coconuts

I wanna be a Paniolo!
* Get 8 Paniolo Boots
* Harvest 140 Taro
* Complete 1 Island Paddock

Rewards: 275 XP, Mini Appaloosa, 850 XP

Dressing Ranch!
* Get 8 Pniolo Hats
* Harvest 1 Mini Apaloosa
* Make the Hawaiian Kabob recipe 5 times

Rewards: 300 XP, Hawaii Paniolo, 1.275 Coconuts

A Working Ranch!
* Get 8 Tropical Paints
* Harvest 130 Yams
* Harvest 1 Mini Apaloosa

Rewards: 325 XP, Ranch Sign, 1.700 Coconuts

* Get 9 Paniolo Lassos
* Complete 1 Island Pasture
* Make the Yam Fries recipe 4 Times

Rewards: 350 XP, Ranch House , 2.125 Coconuts

Ride the Ranch!
* Get 10 Riding Helmets
* Harvest 145 Kona Coffee
* Achieve level 1 mastery of Mini Apaloosa

Rewards: 375 XP, ATV Pigs , 4.250 Coconuts

Horse Around!
* Get 12 Sugarcubes
* Harvest 195 Golden Sugar Cane
* Make 4 Coffees and Creams

Rewards: 500 XP, Frisian Horse , 8.500 coconuts
God help me ,I need more time!
Wish we could pick the ones we want to run,where we could get the prizes we want,i can very seldom get them all done and the prizes i want are the ones i didnt have time for.
Lately I may get as far as the 7th or 8th part of the quest. There is not enough time to get what we need, especially since every time we turn around we are unable to post. Half the time I can't even get to my requests. I wait all day, finally get it to open up and then a lot of them have expired. Grrr.
Please take a break from all this quest now, many farmers is not getting finish with that quest we already have now, many farmers are quitting farmville, because all this quest.... We have a life, family, work and house to take care of.... Not just farmville. I love to play farmville, but with all this quest, it is just work work work, all the fun is gone... PLEASE take a breake!!!!! Give us the fun back :)
I really agree ENOUGH ALREADY WITH ALL THESE QUESTS!!!!!! I rarely finish any of them any more again I will say the reason I played FV to begin with was because you could play at your own pace and it was one of the only non quest games to play. Zynga you took the fun out of this game along time ago I am so tired of all this quest junk I am SERIOUSLY thinking of QUITTING FOR GOOD!
To do this quest, we must be able to expand with coconuts,pleaseeeeeee
I agree that we need to be able to expand using coconuts and coins. The quest require too large a crop unless we can expand. The quest are very hard for someone working to complete. This has become work instead of play. While we do not have to do the quest, we like to. Please Zygna take the people playing into consideration.
Goodness , I'm worn out with all these requests. It especially frustrates me when we post the requests and I pretty much have to beg people to click on it. While my great neighbors get my tree and rare animal posts right away barely anyone wants to click on the quest posts.
And seriously I spend money even when I dont want to but do you really have to make it so we need so much farm cash to buy Hawain land.
If any of Znga people reading this please understand we have other things in our lives besides the 5 farms and million quests. Should I quit my job so I can do all the things in my farms? Seriously take it easy Zynga.
We have to use coconuts to get more land for all these quests that ask for more then 150 plots , right now u can't it's all farm cash , Give us farm ground for coconuts not farm csh
OMIGOSH! I'm so darned TIRED of these wretched quests. My husband,a level 150 farmer,has shut his farm for good. He's quit and will never come back.....I really can't blame him. And this new one??? Not only do they want too much on the small allotment we already HAVE,but they are putting the longest time possible crops up! No WAY can us ordinary mortals finish in time without using Farm Cash,and that's all it is. A never ending quest for the dollar. Zynga's insatiable greed will be their downfall. I'm just about done with my beloved farm. All the fun has gone :(
Zynga is running off it's farmers. Too much to try to keep up with! It's too much work and not enough fun any longer.
i agree with all the above zynga are stupid to change the game so much and quest after quest growing the same crops most of us mastered ages ago.. i personally ignore most of the quests and as for the Hawaiian farm i never go into it.. i have lost over a 100 neighbours since they brought out the new farms and i will quit soon as it is now boring... it was fun to begin with we used to visit each others farms and help each other now most players just concentrate on grabbing what they can.
These quest sure keep us hopping!! The stupid time makes it difficult to find posts (at least for me) The home pages so cluttered with junk.I often miss postings. My neighbors try to help me and they can not find it on my time line. It was so much easier when we only had to look at the wall.Now some of the buttons for request are broken...thus making it harder to post request
I did Quest I - Back to Cove basics and did Mission A and B and received the rewards, so far ok, but then what ??? NOTHING !!! It ended just there, very strange, because all my neighbours continued ?????????
Do we really see when the coconuts are added to our counts? Have not seen this yet.
These quests are taking the fun out of farming. We have 5 farms, 3-4 quests and not enough time to complete them. When you need to plant a crop that will take a long time to harvest. Not everyone has all day to be on farmville. We do have other things to do in our lives. Farmville started out as fun, NOW IT A BIG TASK. I'm about ready to delete my farm.
PLEASE GIVE US A BREAK !!!! Looks like I am not the only one whom is sick of these quests !! Enough already !!! How about just 1 at a time, with some time off from quests before we start one again !!! ENOUGH !!! IT'S ENOUGH TO MAKE ME STOP PLAYING !!!!!! And I know you don't want people to stop playing !!! Like I said, looks like I am not the only one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It does get boring planting crops that have been mastered but what would you be doing otherwise if they stopped the quests? If I finish one with time left I do it again only because I need something to focus on. Right now I am working on the mastery of the purple tulips (yea, I spent the $5) and am still doing 3 quests, 2 for the second time. With 5 farms and advanced planning/planting, it CAN be done. That's why I LOVE this website!!
I get coconuts on my other farms that do not post to the Hawaiian
farm. What's up with that?
Guys, really. Why do you complain about not being able to finish 3 or 4 quests at the same time. Just don't play them. I only play the island ones and it's really enough! And you really don't NEED the stuff you get. You just want to have it! I work full-time, have a 3-year-old and a husband + household, so it's not like I have 24 hours a day to play. Just do what you can. Quit playing two or three of the older farms!
This is too much--- why ask of so many items get 6 of this or 8 of this or 10 of this or 12 of this I cant get get that many anymore all my neighbors and friends have quit playing they said its not fun anymore its more like a full time job. And they cant keep up with it and their family too...
I see so many people complaining about the quests and how there are too many, and they just want to farm. Well I say if you don't want to do the quests then ignore them, no one is forcing you to do them. Personally I like the quests, they give me a goal to work towards!
How can we play if we cant LOAD the game? WHY wont you fix it????? FIX IT FIX IT..........I dont guess you wont our money then.
Im disabled and pretty much housebound so I have nothing but time mostly to play games or watch t.v.,having said that Im posting this to let the powers that be know that even *I* having all this time,still can keep up with the quests.I failed on this one and didnt get very far at all.They should make it where you could at least restart them once they expire so you can have a chance at your own leisure to finish them.
The missions should only have crops that take a maximum of 23 hours (1 Day) to complete each task, Having missions with 3 day crops in them ties up that farm and renders it useless for 3 days.
Someone tell Zynga please.
Oh well the previous quest i would have finished & gotten my second cruise ship...but the Tiki Shop did not open...i asked my other neighbors if they had difficulty in opening the shop which they had the same problem.....tsk tsk spent 3fv to grow my last crop & a jinx in getting the tiki shop open...okay next time..shall just wait on my crops to grow naturally...
you should be able to expand Hawaii with coins or at least give more coconuts. ENOUGH with all the quests. I rarely get to play because game wont load because I'm told alot of games are not supported by Windows XP ! Really p----s me off.
You are all missing the point. Zynga doesn't care about any of your bitching and complaining. All they want is your almighty dollars - not farm cash - real money. With the millions of players just playing farmville, they are raking in millions of money from the people who spend real money. I've gotten to level 270 without spending any real money. For what it's worth, when you reach level 250 they give you no more farm cash for leveling up. I no doubt play too much of this game to level up 5 times a week and complete each quest 2 times or more. Everthing that doesn't make me coins of xp - I sell for coins. There is a limit on how many animals you can have on a farm. I've reached that limit on the English farm. I buy 4 to 8 belted cows a day at 1 million coins each. Each cow gives me 3,000 coins a day. So you see, you can play this game and get ahead without spending real money. Or you can decorate and have fun that way. Just remember Zynga wants your real money. That's all they care about. Don't give them any!
Oh Yeah, I forgot to mention each cow you buy - you get 10,000 xp. Buy 10 cows and you level up.
This latest HP quest is pretty boring and the rewards aren't that great but like a true addict, I am doing it. I agree that 2 and 3 day crops aren't fair, especially when you can only "grow" fish on one farm but I think they are counting on people finishing up with time left to do the quest a second time and then spending cash to finish it. None of the rewards are that great to warrant spending cash!
So many of you are complaining, it's ridiculous. First off, you can ignore the goals. There. Problem solved. Secondly, you're complaining to the WRONG people. This site doesn't make the goals. The people running this site have no control over what the requirements are, when said goals start, or who plays the game. They simply post the goals as a heads-up. So go complain elsewhere. And, last bit of advice, if you hate FarmVille, Zynga and playing the game, find something else to do. Easy.
You're welcome.
They just made Awesome Atoll available for 750,000 coconuts. That should help with this quest. I don't use Farm Cash to complete the quests, I simply manage my planting and harvesting. If you know in advance that you're going to need to harvest a 3-day crop and it's going to be roughly 3 days until you get to that part of the quest, that's when you should be planting the crop instead of waiting for that part of the quest to start. On all of the other quests I take it one step further and use all of my farms.
I cannot make the kabobs because I dont have enough coconuts to expand my shop.... I cant go any further with my quest because of it.. NOT RIGHT! Should be able to expand using coins too! NOT FUNNY! THIS STINKS!
farm vile is not a game any longer its work work work buy fv cash over and over its no longer fun its takeing all my enjoyment out of it
not much fun anymore, have played fv since it started , would be lots better again without quests
ok to me this one sucked...the first part was good liked the prizes...but the second half..having to have your recipe hut to 5 before you can make the required recipe...sucked big time...we have so many quest on each farm to do it's hard upgrading all of them to the highest level...and then getting here to level 8 with 5 days left and finding that out really bums ya out...because i really want the horse...don't care about the others!!!
I need some help on what to do about a quest item?? Right now I am on Hawaiian Ranch Quest I have the 8 hats and have Harvest Mini Appaloosa 1X, but here is my problem!! I need to make Hawaiian Kabob 4x in my Tiki Hut. But I can't since I still need to level up a recipe 7 more times in order to unlock Hawaiian kabob recipe. How do I do that w/o spending F.V. cash to up grade 5 star recipes that Kabobs are? I'm afraid I'll tun out of time to complete this part of quest!! Any Ideas?
all you can do is make recipes in your tiki hut and levelthem up to accomplish this, when i found this out I had to level up 26 recipes to finish that part of the quest. But, before you spend all your time ma,king things in your tiki hut look at level 12 of this quest, if you have only increased the size of your farm by using coconuts, you can only get to the 24 X 24 size farm, on the last level of the quest you have to grow 195 golden sugar cane. They taje 2 days to grow, there are only 2 days left in the quest and the largest coconut upgraded farm size has a max. size field of 175. So you have to grow them twice. NO HORSE FOR THOSE OF US THAT CAN'T AFFORD THE $120fc IT WOULD COST TO UPGRADE TO THE BUGGER FARM! I am not happy...............
I agree with all these posts. I am still trying to finish these pineapples hases that I cant seem to get enough leeks and it says only 2 more days, so that means I'm out of luck for the real good bonuses. This game has become like a 2nd job, my peeps n family, think I am on this all day bcuz of all my requests. Can u slow it down with all these quests, and give us amp time to finish them up! I used to really like playing this but now it's no fun. Coconuts.. I harvest to get some then there taken away when I plant. Come on, can we use our coins, or change it. You people who invent these quest, u guys need to play them, only 12 hours a day(let's say 12) and see if u can finish up all these quest to the 12th. NOT... won't happen. Very frustrated n disgusted!!!
You are taking all the fun out of this. I used to love farmville. But you have to give us more time to complete these goals..and use our coin. Many of us can not afford to buy farm cash. Use coin to expand, especially the Hawaiian Farm. Like others have said, we have jobs, a home and families...Give us a break with this...
I have 2 facebook profiles and play farmville on both. Was great to start with as there was only one farm on each.. Now we have 5 farms, so for me its 10 over both profiles. On one profile I play the quests, and I don't on the other. I find both relaxing. I have over 65 million coins on one farm and enough fuel to last eternity. What's the point. Zynga should allow us to trade our coins and fuel in for FV Dollars. As for neighbours, I accept new neighbours daily so haven't lost out, even if some have stopped playing.
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