Picnic Preparations!
* Get 4 Picnic Baskets
* Harvest Pasture Habitat Twice
* Harvest 50 Soybeans

Rewards: 100 XP, Messy Picnic Cow & 2,500 Farm Coins

Flowers and Flutterers!
* Get 6 Floating Candles
* Harvest Messy Picnic Cow 2 Times
* Harvest 75 Morning Glory

Rewards: 150 XP, Unwither & 2,500 Farm Coins

Field Festivities!
* Get 8 Tug Ropes
* Harvest Aviary Habitat Twice &
* Harvest 100 Grape

Rewards: 200 XP, Fetching Beagle & 2,500 Farm Coins

Blanket the Buffet!
* Get 8 Picnic Blankets
* Master Messy Picnic Cow to 1-Star
* Harvest 125 Cotton

Rewards: 250 XP, Picnic Swing & 2,500 Farm Coins

Picnic Plusses!
* Get 8 Bug Zappers
* Harvest Fetching Beagle 2 Times
* Harvest 150 Peppers

Rewards: 300 XP, Book of XP & 2,500 Farm Coins

Floating Party Favors!
* Get 8 Floating Chairs
* Harvest Playpen Twice
* Harvest 150 Spinach

Rewards: 350 XP, Picnic Pond & 3,000 Farm Coins

Baaackwards Engineering!
* Get 9 Tree Twine
* Harvest 100 Fruit
* Harvest 150 Daffodils

Rewards: 400 XP, Sprung Tree & 4,000 Farm Coins

Chewy, Gooey, and Delicious--y!
* Get 10 Firewood Baskets
* Master Fetching Beagle to 1-Star
* Harvest 150 Peppermint

Rewards: 450 XP, Mystery Dart & 5,000 Farm Coins

The Center of It All!
* Get 12 Flower Baskets
* Harvest Sprung Tree Twice
* Harvest 200 Red Tulips

Rewards: 500 XP, Stargazer Horse & 10,000 Farm Coins
where is the list for the Lighthouse quests
how is it possible that in picnic 5 you have to get the fetching beagle to 2 stars and later on in picnic 8 you must get the fetching beagle to 1 star ??????????
only have to harvest beagle in picnic 5 and master to 1 star in 8 :)
Where is the list for the English Quest?
Where is the list for the English Quest? Is everyone going to get the quest? Some of my neighbors already have the quest.
I don't have the English Farm.How can I have one?
I already have the : Homefarm; Lighthousecove, winterwonderland and the Hawaai.
Please, can you help me?
Im done !
You people are stupid. If you actually played the game and payed attention to the game you would know exactly what to do and how it works and wouldnt have to ask your stupid questions! Just saying. :)
If you would just go to the cove you would see that they started a new quest you moron
Quest sucks unless you spend lots of money that we don't have,ones that finish spend a bundle, get with the program for ones that enjoy playing with out, paying bills or eating for these games !!
Okay, where is cove quest, after I completed the first part of this quest, it just disappeared, nothing, but as i remember we only have about 9 days or less to complete it
how can i restart the Planter Picnic Quests???
I have been able to complete every quest so far, and have never spent a penny, so the myth that these are impossible to complete without buying, are exactly that, a myth. Stop the griping and start playing and planning, thgat way you will get them done
Cove quests are new, only some people have them for now, because there are 4 variations and only 2 are out now. After you complete one, you have to wait until day 10 is over to get the next one.
And for the person that said that you have to spend money to finish the quests: WRONG, I have never spent a single cent on this game and I finish all the quests always, it does take time and a lot of work and timing tho.
The person above that states the lighthouse cove quests are done is incorrect. There is a lighthouse cove quest at this time BUT in order to get through just one level you must harvest the horse paddock 4 times and you must harvest a Whopping 7,000 4 hour crops (clover) in order to complete section one. The prize for this is unwither (maybe some coins and xp) so I don't know about most folks but living on FV for days on end in order to harvest so many short term crops is INSANITY!! In sum, if ppl have lost their cove quest icons they are not missing much but being a complete SLAVE to FV and lets face it this is a game and hopefully we all have more interesting things in life to do........ Ps, I have definitely chose not to do the new lighthouse cove quests and the same is true for many of my neighbors where we almost all feel FV is way over the top on this one!
Not fair .. so far I have successfully crossed the levels of The Planter Picnic Quests and now that I finished fourth level,instead I get a Fetching Beagle as a reward I got a Picnic Swing ... so now I have no opportunity to reach the next level because the task in the next level is:Harvest Fetching Beagle twice..I have no money to buy a beagle.. what shall I do?
did not get credit for harvesting goat or the picnic cow..WHATS UP?
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