FarmVille and Zynga are working on and zCoins as a new form of currency for FarmVille and other Zynga Games! You will earn coins from playing Zynga games daily on Facebook and you can then turn them in for exclusive, previously released FarmVille items. This will be true for other games as well, but since this is a FarmVille site, we will keep it simple. While this is not YET active, you can get a nice sneak peek at what is coming and some of the costs here.

I play farmville because it is a good game, if Zynga force me to play other games to get stuff for farmville, they can go fuck themselves....
Sparkline 19566
agreed....cant play other games also
i think Zynga not force to play another games... just rewards loyal players... Maria
i agree,Waste OF TIME if that was DA CASE OF THEget rewards,some of us dont have much time to play fv!!hopefully is not some kind of trick they wanna play on us.PLS JOIN THE STRIKE AGAINST THE 125 feed LIMITATIONS,IN OTHER words DONT PLAY FV AT ALL TODAY.NO POSTING,NO BUYING FROM MARKET NO FV AT ALL PLS.
come on people even if you don't like what the farmville and Zanga people are doing act like you at lease have a little bit of class. Just play the game like you always have and don't worry about the rewards. Some people seem to forget... it's only a game not life or death.
okey so I reached on my own without buying after about 20 months and not spending my cash just the rewards...level 100 the 28x28 farm cost the FV $$$ not the coins
and I thought ok...I play 2 I will break down and buy with my real time cash the FV$$$ for the larger farm..
well it was heavenly. Everything else I earned or was gifted. No cheat bars, just the simple rules of the game, get neighbors, and trade.
so my first csh spent..out of my real time money
well the game does end at level 100
no more FV$$$$
and if this was a real would know that..
and those that bought their way to level 100 are already hooked on the fact that you have to buy /using real time cash you earn/ to play further in the game...
you get no free FV$$$ at all after level 100
sorry..been level 100 for the past 4 months......and nothing.......
Sounds fun!!! I can't wait to play it, when where and how?.. Any more info on it?
If they want us to get points for playing games why force people to play other games
Last Post
Get zCoins,zPoints in Rewardville
Rewardville,I need toknw how to unlock the tree house , it saids that at level 70 you can get it I am at level 74 and still cant get that treehouse, can somebody tell me how can I unlock that gift please.
I have played since rwv started and have never i repeat never gotten 100 z coins not even 10 i got 9 a couple times but mostly 1,2,5, what's the deal like vegas i think that tree house is gonna take a year i hope who ever ya are got urs after level 74
i will be upset if i get to 70 and can't get it
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