Unreleased Livestock Pen Animals!


soeurlulu said...

i like it !!! give it to mee loll

Sarah said...

Oooh, when, when when???? Hope that they don't all cost farmville cash but that we can all get them for coins.

Anonymous said...

I certainly HOPE they are GOING to make this FAIR, Fair for ALL... Not for Free, But a Mission/task is reasonable, instead of Farm Ville Cash. NOT all of us have $$ MONEY $$ to Buy a Farm Ville/Face Book card at 7-11 & Game Stop Stores. Negotiations are an Easy way to SOLVE problems here on Facebook, and with games too. Waiting to hear about some Good News, FOR ALL of US...

Anonymous said...

i agree *~* living in Alaska, we don't even HAVE 7-11's up here, not that it would make any difference - i don't have REAL money to spend on this game anyway - haven't they heard about the crappy economy and the freaking unemployment rate??

Anonymous said...

No doubt I agree I don't mind to do a task/mission to get a specialty item but I like many others do not have the money to pay for this game.

Anonymous said...

i feel the same its time f/v coped on to them self,s and started letting us buy for coins instead of farm cash, the ression has hit all contry,s but they dont seem to care as long as the cash keeps rolling in

Anonymous said...

Problem is they do have those who will put out the money. Like the new farm thing at the seaside, ppl had to pay to play. I DO NOT have the money to pay for such things as playing the game, the new trees and animals. What ever happened to using the coins we have built up, and if we can;t use them for these things and expansions as well then what is the point in collecting them in the first place! NOT FAIR!!!

Anonymous said...

So true. It's unfair to people who can't and do not want to pay $ for this site. I really enjoy the game but my family comes first so I will not pay $. I have alot of coins saved up and nothing to buy until FV will let me pay with coins to upgrade the farms. Until then, I'll play with what I have.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with all the above posts!

Anonymous said...

Why do all you people complain on this site? Farmville Masters and Farmville World have no association with Zynga. If you would like your thoughts, suggestions, comments and concerns heard why not complain directly to Zynga. Maybe if enough people complain or submit suggestions to Zynga they might take notice.

Anonymous said...

I agree, not that they will do anything but if no one tells them complaints or concerns then why would they even consider it?

Anonymous said...

How can I finish my quest on the swing of things when I cannot ask for help from my friends for the bird swing. I cannot ask for raffle tickets either

Eweforia said...

I am secretary of the Barbados Blackbelly Sheep Association International (BBSAI) and we are delighted to learn that the Barbados Blackbelly sheep may become part of Farmville. Does anyone know how I could learn who the artist is that designed the BB graphic? Or someone to contact?

There are fewer than 500 Barbados Blackbelly sheep in the U.S. and the BBSAI is working hard to ensure the breed doesn't become extinct. For more information, see http://www.blackbellysheep.org. We'd be happy to answer any questions. You can contact me directly at secretary@blackbellysheep.org