Unreleased Livestock Pen Mystery Babies & More!

Unreleased Livestock Pen Mystery Babies & More!


Anonymous said...

another useless pen GREAT!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Really DON'T like that!

Anonymous said...

cannot see the time!

Anonymous said...

Why grow another baby animal that will be the same as what you already have? What a waste of time and effort...stupid.

Anonymous said...

really?! -____- for what?! we have a pig pen and sheep pen already!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Enough pens already unless they will let us actually breed horses so we can share a horse instead of just foals with others. The aviary pen is bad enough- it gives just more junk chickens that our gift boxes are full of already. Now we will get yet another thing to take space on our farm to breed the same old things. Please tell me there will be no quests for this b/c I have no more room for junk on my farm. Totally agree, we need to expand with coins so we can use the stuff we paid for already- and maybe have room for stuff we actually want to buy! All these pens seem to be a ploy to make us feel to unjunk our farms we will need to spend all that farm cash for the costly expansions. Not happening here..

Anonymous said...

ZYNGA ZYNGA..!!!! FARMVILLE Game has to be a Game, which we can play in our Free time to Relax ourselves. But it is more than a FULL TIME JOB.. May be Zynga Personnel are working there, but not we. They get paid for all the Crap they design. IT IS NOT ENJOYABLE ANYMORE.. My Farm is full of Pet Babies / Zoo Babies / Wild Life Babies etc.. But no Feeds to Feed the babies.!!!
MOREOVER, the Aviary Egg hatches for a Plain Chicken after waiting for 3 days.. REALLY CRAZY.
Please its a request, Keep this Game as Game only. All the time Quests / Requests to Friends.. WHAT IS THIS ???
And now the Third Farm full of again Quests and all the Crap. Zynga is giving little expansions and atleast Five times more Crap buildings / Animals to Fill in. And then they ask us to Expand with FV-cash. After Level 250 the game is not giving any FV-Cash. WHAT ABOUT THE PLAYERS, WHO CANT AFFORD TO BE A PAID PLAYER ???

So, ZYNGA Please listen.. and whatever U design is just getting jumbled now..

Harley said...

Can I point out that farmville aren't making you have to have a pen, you can use the coops, pig pens and sheep pens only if you want. I personally like the idea of pens to save me space on my farm. I can use them to store all my extra sheep and pigs that don't fit in their pens becasue we only have one. And for those pens I just sell the babies (same as my orchards, I only keep the trees from my orchard full of level 1's). As an animal collector these new pens are handy for me, but if you don't like them don't place them, or delete them after the quests if you want to do those... it's up to you! As for extra space, they already gave us an extra farm with a new one coming so what are you moaning for?

Anonymous said...

Hers what I'm wondering, when they first came out with the wildlife Pen's they just took our Feed Trough, and I didn't like that, as I had to pay for the second one that i placed on my English Farm!!!! And what really I;m wondering is that when they come out with this new Live Stock Pen, thinking that they will be just taking our Pig Pen's and our Sheep Pen's and I do not like that!!!! They had better not take my Pig and Sheep pen's!!!!! Oh, and the Pen's you are speaking of Harley, only hold 20 animals at this point!! They need to allow us to expand these new Pens!!!!! I would also like to say, I was raised on a Ranch, and Live stock to me is cow's and Horses too!!!! I think we should be able to breed horses and cow's and be able to have the Heifer,bull calf, or foal, or colt, grow up to be what cow or the mare is,and have an option for it to be a Mystery calf, foal, or colt!!! But not have it turn out to be one of your generic foal's or cow's like the Ole gray mare, or the ole Brown Mare!!! And we get to keep one for our farm's and share one with our friends!!!!!Just wondering this as well, this is what all of us players really wanted was to be able to breed the Horses, and cows!!!! But Zynga does not listen to us!!!!! Thought they wanted to here what we have to say??? Thought they wanted to know what we think, and what we would like to have???? Seems to me they don't really care what we would like, or what we have to say for that matter!!!! If they cared what we wanted they would have come out with Pen's for breeding the Horses and Cow's like I just mentioned above!!Not all of this other crap! Then they tell us they have live live stock pen's coming out, getting us all excited, thinking we wil be able to breed our horses and cow's. Yeah right, now we find out it's for pig's Sheep oh yea and Llamas, Big woop!!!! So I suppose now we wont be able to breed our pig's or sheep like we do right now in their own pen's!!!! Which better not be the case, if you take the breeding we have now with them away, you are going to piss a lot of your Players off!!!!!! Let me just say, I will be one of them!!!!!! If we can't get the cool sheep and pig's that we breed for, what's the point!!( really).Let us Breed our Horses That a lot of us pay for!!!!, and our cow's, Please..........

Anonymous said...

There are too many babies that need feed and there are not enough ways of getting it. I have about 10 babies on my farm waiting to be fed so they can grow up. I'm not going to pay cash for them to grow. Now the aviary babies are fine. They grow up after so many days without me having to worry about them. GREAT! Why can't you do the same for these other babies?

Also, why is it that I harvest my chicken coop and when there is an egg, I have the option to share it,why don't I get one too? What's the point of having a coop beside getting coins?

And when it comes to harvesting my crops, there are too many pop ups. It should wait until after I'm done harvesting. This is annoying!

Just my thoughts and I am sure it's the thoughts of others!

Anonymous said...

its to much l want a fram and every thing that goes with a farm not pen,s to build all the times and babys to feed, thank you.

Anonymous said...

I have over 90 mstery babys but no one sends me feed ,they only send me what they need in hopes i give it away on my news feed. i havent been able to complete the quests thanks to this because they only look for what they need on my feed ignoring my help requests im done with farmville its a virtual game that is not real life, unless your retired and have it like that it takes too much of vital time and money that you could use to actually get the things you want in life want an elephant and a mansion well get a job and work for it instead of wasting it on this stuped game you cant trully value a virtual item you cant even appreciate in real life.

Anonymous said...

we need to be able to expand our farms for coins not just fv cash it's not right for farmville and zynga to have us spend our money and not work with us and let us use our coins.

Anonymous said...

Zynga you have really gotten out of control. Just how much money does your company need?? You also have taken the fun out of this game. Every time you release something we have nothing but trouble. Our farms constantly go out-of-sync, we loose items, things on our farm just go missing and you don't seem to care. Your prices on items is ridiculous - trees used to be $10 and $5, now $15 and $7. Prices also on other farm items has almost doubled. When I started playing this game 80% of items in the market were coin, not it's 90% cash. Do you even realize this is a game we all enjoy playing with our friends and enjoy meeting new people from all over the world, yet people are just walking away from it because of your GREED.I got a look at the new Light House Cove Farm (which we all thought would be fun) but here you again. The farm size is so small that by the time the quests are done, items required are built there is barely enough room to plant 30 crops and to expand you want CASH AGAIN. We also looked forward to expanding our original farms yet you slapped a $180 expand fee and raised it to $195.00 with no option after all this time for coin expansion. So it looks like your going to stick to the cash..I'm writing this, which it probably never will never be read and if it does DO YOU REALLY CARE (I think not)..Because if you did you would not be putting prices on items like they are and charging us an arm and leg just to expand. If they will not use coin at least let neighbors help each other somehow... If you ever took the time to read the FB page all you would see is people complaining. Your out of control and you don't seem to either realize it or don't care. It's all about the money with you. I also think the other item that really bothers us, is it takes #30 feeds to grow one baby and #8 waters per seedling. So when we are trying to collect these items you slap us with a daily limit of items we can collect of #200. What a bunch of BS. How can we grow babies and seedlings when you cut us off everyday??

jacqueline said...

Farmville is a game, a free game. True you can purchase FV Cash to get things - which makes BIG bucks for Zynga, but it isn't supposed to be like that. This game was supposed to be socially connecting the world, not connecting to my purse strings. FV no longer (in most cases) offers the option to pay with coins or FV Cash. Almost ALL of the new Specials are for FV Cash. Truly we do not all have cash to buy FV Cash, or have use for their partner choices - which don't always work either. The game makes you 'want' certain items and/or 'need' certain things to complete some quest like: Master 1 black elephant to complete task. But it takes elephant 4 days to harvest, which = 36 days to Master if you need 9 harvest to complete level 1 mastery. Thus, Fv/Zynga forces you to make a choice: either buy the FV Cash (20) to complete the mastery or lose out all together. Not exactly fair. I noticed some anonymous person said "if you don't want to pay you don't have to accept using pens and zoos and etc." But they keep making it look good so you will want what everybody else has. People it is a game and should be handled as a game, nothing more. FV Cash is NOT AN ACCEPTABLE CHOICE FOR MOST OF US. And as for the retired folks: what makes anyone think retirees have nothing else to do? Fixed incomes, major money losses in IRA's, ill health, disabled - not the rich and famous - play Farmville and they all, we ALL deserve a game we can still enjoy. Not happening right now. Way too many quests, quests too short timewise to complete, items FV Cash only - or outrageous amounts of coins to upgrade your farm ... all these things and more need to be revamped to benefit the players. FV cash cost for stuff is off the chart. Zynga needs to fix this NOW. Friends don't visit neighbors any more. Why??? It takes forever to visit your neighbors, and IF you don't have a state of the art pc or laptop your computer will get slower and slower until you can never finish visiting neighbors. Zynga needs to be revamped for the players ... period!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I will not buy any more FV cash until they fix this mess and make the game more simple

Anonymous said...

I too believe a boycott is in order. I have spent a bundle on things that I want & due to these pens that have junked up my farm the things I pay for need to be stored. & How does this make sense that Zynga won't give us more space when they give us more & more junk, which mean 'newsflash' Zynga, we have no room to buy more horses, buildings or pretty stuff I personally don't mind paying for. But I am with the majority here, I won't pay any cash let alone the absurd fee they are charging for these expansions. I don't enjoy the game when my farm is a crowded disorganized mess! Indeed we end up with a ton of animals after spending a ton of time collecting animal feed- how many black cats, gray elephants and other junk does anyone want when we sold them before the pens came out. On top of that we do all this work for the quests and we get feed?!! That is crazy. I get the gimmick here and it is so obvious! We are being given all this crap right after they offered these pricey expansions because it is a way to bully us into spending all that dough to buy the expansions. Not this cat!! I have 50-60 horses (and I haven't been playing long) many buildings and other things Zynga should appreciate that I did pay for on a regular basis, but not anymore!! I am out of room and not in this lifetime will I take a double hit to pay cash to have room to put my stuff I paid cash for. Further, it sure seems to me Zynga keeps on making the game take as much time from everyone as possible (e.g. requiring 30 bags of feed for one animal!!!) because this is yet another gimmick to have us always only one click away from their market to spend our money. What store wouldn't want you to live in it. Last I do agree, every time they add another thing we just get to sit around and wait while things truncate, publish boxes don't work, out of sync delays galore- what does Zynga care about offering quality on our time and experience?? They don't- again they want us to sit right at the pc all day which increases the chance for them that we will click to go to the market and spend. The developers sure spend enough time rolling out more stuff to bring Zynga profit, but it sure seems they spend very little on IT tech to ever have anything work right. Talk about the bad economy! ha ha There sure are a lot of IT people out of work so Zynga can get snapping help the economy and get more IT tech ppl to fix the countless problems with the game. I am done spending my money! I haven't planted for 2 days now. Some of my friends that were great ppl to play with have left due to things not working right. These people were good customers to Zynga that didn't mind paying for some things but when we get slapped with now looking at what 50-100 bucks in a given week to keep playing (with no space I won't keep playing!) that is over the top absurd!! So I am certainly in where I believe a boycott is in order and everyone really needs to ban together here and let Zynga feel the hit in the wallet. A Farmville week long black out boycott- just stay off your farm would be a fabulous idea. Until things change I surely will no longer be a committed customer to this unethical company

Anonymous said...

I would love to be able to write an email to zanga but since they don't make an email address available I guess I'll just write here. I didn't get my pink ponytail horse. my white stallion that I won with my raffle tickets never showed up either! Now the new thing you want us to fall for is trying to force us to visit by popping up right in the middle of the screen when I try to go on farmville. They don't give us a way to get rid of it so I just go back to home. Farmvile is no fun anymore & it and the English country farm keeps us so busy that we don't have time to play our other games. Are they trying to run the others out of business? They are about to loose a lot more who have been playing farmvile for a long time.

Anonymous said...

Have the rest of you noticed how little we get out of a large tank of fuel??? The English farm takes more than the others!

Anonymous said...

I do also agree that Zynga sure isn't listening. People have been asking to grow up the horses we have paid A LOT for for some time and we get all these breeding options but we can't get a foal from the horse we paid for and we our friends don't even want them, ha ha their farms are a crowded mess to and the foals are useless if we can't grow them up. Zynga gives us more black chickens, sheep and pigs that I already sell when I get them but we don't get what we ask for. Zynga sure is thinking about profit to junk up our farms so we will feel we just have to have those expensive expansions. What utter crap!

Anonymous said...

why dosen't game requests work how are we going to play if we can't get are stuff

Anonymous said...

I feel like Iam playing Frontierville now with the Quests they give us thats why I quit playing Frontierville and I kept my farmville so I wouldnt have to do any qests please no more Quests and you should make animal feed easier to get like the old way to get it from visiting our neighbors for .

Anonymous said...

I think the feed thing is ridiculous. Zynga wants people to spend more money to buy feed. You have to buy practically everything with real money. I have stupidly sunk thousands of dollars into these games because they were my hobby and I figured it was better than doing drugs or getting into trouble. But, it's too much. Zynga, PLEASE GIVE US ALL A BREAK. These are games. And as someone else said , it's like a full time job now. It's supposed to be for enjoyment, but I'm finding it to be way too much pressure. Too many quests. Not enough feed. Getting the same damn animals we already have. If you use 30 feed, you should get something special. Zynga has always been very helpful whenever I've contacted them by email and generous as well. I appreciate that. But, I believe you are trying to get too much money out of people. It's insane. I gave up Cafe World cause it was one task after another, and now Farmville is getting to be the same way. Cityville isn't too bad. You don't have to invest a lot of money. It just takes time and patience, but Farmville is getting way too ridiculous. If Zynga doesn't do something to improve the situation, they are going to lose a lot of faithful players. I hope someone from Zynga reads this and takes action.

Anonymous said...

HI, I'm not a very good player, but being disabled i gives me an outlet to meet friends and occupy my time, I started playing shortly before almost loosing my life and ending up in hospital for a mo. once healed I started playing again, I finally achieved enough coins to purchase items I thought would be fun and useful for the game, but find that my coins seem to be pretty useless, I'm actually getting board with the whole thing because the only chance I get to have cool things is if I am lucky enough to get it from a FV friend, and even then I am never fast enough, please consider the market prices and let us poor folk get some of the same things for coin.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous who said they can't write to Zynga is wrong,they have an email you can send request,problems and whatever you need to do.it is down at the bottom pg.of your farm,under support. and I also will not spend any money for an expansion.Can't finish quest in the time allotted when it takes like 14 harvests for the goose to reach level 1 and not enough time to do so unless you spend every waking minute of your time in front of your P.C. not happening,No fun anymore.PERIOD.

Anonymous said...

if you stop and think about it another pin is useful because it free's up more space on your farm for other things. (BUT)i do agree with expanding the pins so we don't have to put so many on the farm and the chicken coops. you only give us one. 2 would be nice. and one other comment is some people do not have a lot of time to spend on this game, and sometimes there is a lot to do, once you get up there in levels. thanks for listening.

Anonymous said...

This is Zynga's way of getting more REAL money for their fake FVCash. The people that really want the different animals will and DO spend a lot of their own money for the FVC feed.

Anonymous said...

most of my friends stop playing farmville. you are all right about everything.is not funny anymore...no more fv cash until zynga do something about feed for animal,discount for new tree,expanding farm etc.
zynga we are not pinokio and our fahter is not papa carlo but you can be a fairy...this is your game we are players and i think you want us to be happy
lets go back to 'happy farming'