Unreleased Livestock Pen!

Unreleased Livestock Pen!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm starting to get frustrated with so many new items and tools needed to build them. Can't afford to expand the farms in order to have room to place zoos and habitats and aviaries on them...
We need more items available for purchase with coins instead of farm cash---we plant and harvest and earn coins but there aren't many things we can use them on!! I tend to store building items in my gift box because we have no storage shed to put them in, so it stays full...I've realized I can't afford to play the new cove game...I've stopped playing three other games, and if this continues, I guess FV will be the next to go---I can't afford it anymore!

Anonymous said...

Any idea which parts we should accumulate?

Anonymous said...

I'm getting frustrated to and have to agree with the above comment 100% What are we making all this money for...? it is getting boring ISN'T IT NOTHING EXCITING OR ANYTHING TO LOOK FORWARD TO.... I think after a couple of months everything that was for sale for farm cash should be put up for sale for farmville hard earned coin.. even if it was only for limited time it would give us something to work towards.

Anonymous said...

this is soo stupid...shouldnt be called goat pen instead cause thats what we dont have... we have cow pen, sheep pen, turkey roosts, pig pen, horse pen, chicken pen and not to mention the aviary and the zoo quests were much harder at the end...i mean come on have to master level one of elephant which takes 9 times...for at least a week and level 1 on the swan goose take 18 times to level 1...too hard....farmville is overloading us big time...my farm has gotten very slow lately i wonder why???? the aviary would be alot better if u didnt have to put ducks in it...isnt that what the duck pond is for? for ducks...just had to throw that in there

Anonymous said...

and where are we going to put all this buildings,all these useless buildings and damn quests,the fun of playing farmville is gone,why can't it be a simple game to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Why can't we expand the zoo,wildlife,pet,Aviary instead of buying a need pen 20 animal in a pen is not enough. We got to expand the duck pond, horse barn, cow, sheep and etc. why won't you expand the others too.

Anonymous said...

Took so long to do so many other buildings...I've actually been hoarding parts! I'm starting to think I need to be on the A&E show Hoarders! So I guess it was a good thing to hoard? But knowing Zygna...it will be a whole new set of parts just to tick us all off :(

Anonymous said...

i was so excited about dolphins cove, but come on.. 55 farm cash? give us a break i have so maney coins.. should beable to pay with them.

and why do we always get boards, bricks and nails in our special delivery box, why not things we need like it was in the beginng

i love farmville will contiue to play,

just wish more things could be bought with coins , like exspanding the farm.

Anonymous said...

I agree with all the above comments. I have very few friends playing farmville anymore and building a new item with new parts takes me forever. The quests take me just as long because I have to beg friends to send me items. Farmville is slow and the OSS message is never ending. It takes me an hour on a morning I have to harvest tree orchards on two farms along with crops and animals. I have no idea what amount of time I'm looking at when we add a third farm. I have never complained about farmville before but I'm so close to quitting this game. Either Zynga listens and makes some changes or they will lose another faithful player.

Anonymous said...

I think the dolphin cove is nuts. Fist I had to pay 55FV cash just to get it. Now you have to pay for PLOTS ????

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone else we need to be able to use our coins for more things. most people can't afford to pay cash money I know I can't I am retried and I don't have money to use on a game. I play this for the fun

Anonymous said...

I won't be going to the cove - thanks anyway!!!!

Anonymous said...

First off why don't people just wait until the 19th to play Lighthouse Cove instead of paying 55 farm cash for it(pretty dumb move) and B these new buildings are really nice to have for storing animals and such...who gives a cows behind how many things we have to collect for them in the end it's worth it and fun and if people don't like it then stop playing instead of COMPLAINING all the time and get over it! As far as useing coins for purchases yeah it would be nice but the developers need to be able to pay they're employees(who bust they're rear ends to keep people interested in the game(cause alot of people complain about not having anything new)and also fixing bugs and all. If it wasn't for other people buying farm cash this game wouldn't be here! Stop whinning like little kids and GET OVER IT!

Anonymous said...

yes your right they do need to pay the people who help, (But) i have a problem with them not giving us time to finish the quest because if you do the math they only give us a certain amount of day's to finish and omg the amount of time it takes to wait for the pin to be ready then you have to master the animal then you have to schedule the crops around work, and most the time it dose not co- inside, :( you have to wait to plant or put the farm on hold. anyway what i am saying is give us more time to finish quest before starting a new one, if you have the money to spend great if we don't bummer, then we will have to do with out and find other things to keep ourself's busy.