A Winter Caper Quest!
* Get 3 Classified Ads (Click To Request)
* Get 3 Classified Ads (Click To Request)
* Store 20 Items in your Igloo
* Expand Winter Wonderland to 18x18
* Expand Winter Wonderland to 18x18

Rewards: 100 XP, 1 Messenger Sheep, 2,500 Coins

A Feather-brained Scheme Quest!
* Get 4 Carrier Pigeons (Click To Request)
* Harvest 120 Frozen Grapes
* Harvest 1 Messenger Sheep

Rewards: 200 XP, 1 Noir Tree, 2,500 Coins

Inspector Penguin Quest!
* Get 4 Bowls Of Soup (Click To Request)
* Harvest 130 Snow Tulips
* Craft Lolipops Twice

Rewards: 300 XP, 1 Snowmobile, 2,500 Coins

Elf And Order Quest!
* Get 5 Magnifying Glasses (Click To Request)
* Harvest 140 Iceberg Lettuce
* Harvest 1 Noir Tree

Rewards: 400 XP, 1 Mini Arctic Fox, 2,500 Coins

21 Wonderland Street Quest!
* Get 6 Missing Posters (Click To Request)
* Harvest 150 Holly
* Harvest 1 Mini Arctic Fox

Rewards: 400 XP, 1 Snowball Tree, 2,500 Coins

Ice Scene Investigation Quest!
* Get 6 Testimonials (Click To Request)
* Harvest 150 Mint Candy
* Achieve 1 Star Mastery : Messenger Sheep

Rewards: 400 XP, 1 Skiing Gnome, 2,500 Coins

The Sasquatch Quest!
* Get 7 Pairs Of Mittens (Click To Request)
* Harvest 170 Iceberg Lettuce
* Harvest 1 Snowball Tree

Rewards: 500 XP, 1 Kitten With Mittens, 2,500 Coins

To Catch A Sasquatch Quest!
* Get 8 Boxes Of Sasquatch Bait (Click To Request)
* Craft Rock Candy Twice
* Harvest 1 Kitten With Mittens

Rewards: 500 XP, 1 Sasquatch Statue, 5,000 Coins

To Help A Sasquatch Quest!
* Get 9 Sasquatch Sized Shoes (Click To Request)
* Harvest 190 Carrotcicles
* Achieve 1 Star Mastery : Mini Arctic Fox

Rewards: 1,000 XP, Inspector Penguin, 10,000 coins

* Get 10 Sasquatch Flakes (Click To Request)
* Harvest 200 Iceberg Lettuce
* Harvest Penguin Inspector Twice

Rewards: 500 XP, 1 Ice Yeti Cave, 5,000 Coins

Sasquatch Care 101 Quest!
* Get 11 Ice Toothpicks (Click To Request)
* Harvest 200 Iced Rice
* Make The Healthy Donut Recipe 4 time

Rewards: 500 XP, 1 Beluga Whale, 5,000 Coins

Welcome Home Quest!
* Get 12 Party Whistles (Click To Request)
* Harvest 200 Ginger Bread
* Master The Inspector Penguin

hello how are you done yet queast if not in the farm comes in??
nobody answers the question by zynga on all of the players of Farmville!
I am concerned, I'm not since last night in my farm clean!
my harvest and my lost queast!!
Does anyone have any idea, when this quest will start?
When are we going to master our crops if we have to always harvest what we need for the missions?
i think the quests are nice but need time to get them done well a lot has to do with your friends if they help ya i know i really have to beg to get the item i need so that makes it hard but they do get it to me and the items you give at the end of each quest i think they are very nice . Thank you For All you Have Been Doing i would like to say something we all have 4 frams and me myself i have a lot of different animals i could use in my other frams think about what can be gone to use from other frams .
When does it start ??
instead of farmville they should name it questville lol
when does this start also i ready now
I see this quest is focused on the Winter Wonderland crops, and given the small size of my plot, I'm not about to spend any FV or real cash upgrading my land just for this quest. I'm passing on this quest. At least the other quests allowed you to plant your crops on the other farms you have in case you have small plots. This one is just too much for me. Thanks anyway. Have fun for those who decide to try this quest and enjoy.
this 3 days im waiting but until now nothing started!!my snow tulips are now wither huhuhu...winterland plots was too litle...dont like this anymore...
if you don't want to do the quests then DON'T DO THEM, simple. Don't moan about "all these quests" YOU DONT HAVE TO DO THEM - THEY ARE NOT COMPULSORY. STOP MOANING and get on with YOUR game.
I believe a game is a game and should be enjoyed. I like to do the quest but I do think that there should be a little more time between quest for me to get my supplies of crops for my own projects. Also believe that Zynga needs to work on making the quest easier, not growing as many of a certain crop, and give us more time to harvest the gifts we recieve (not the very next quest on the list).This is just a suggestion but I will keep playing till I burn out. And to the person that is telling us to STOP MOANING u stop moaning about our moaning and play your game!!! this what comments are about!!!
When do these start???? does anyone know exactly?
starts today
I quit playing farmville because I can't get any of my quest that been since dec
Hey Zynga say 6 Carrier Pigeons if you mean 6 not 4 who is the idiot that posted this...and stop changing the first request was for snow tuplip and then you change to 20 store items make up your mind. If you are going to give them to us early stop changing them afterwards.
If we have to plant 200 then let us buy for coins more plots, pain then we have to plant 10 more for another whole day again,,, that sucks
I think that the quest are OK if there are just 4 parts to it but once you go past that it just is a hassle. I am about over them and almost ready to quit playing farmville altogether. I just want it to simple again you plant and harvest and buy the stuff you want.
I think you need to come up with more crops for the english countryside and winterwonderland. I already have everything mastered on those farms! now I have to plant more of what I have mastered for these quests!
1. I love your quests
2. you need to come up with more crops to master, and use new crops for quests
3. you also MUST connect all 4 farms together
4. you MUST create a storage for animal muster singes and tree singes as well ASAP
that all my wishes
on second one it states four but comes up with a number 6 which is it, thanks
Has anyone at Zynga thought about having to plant specific crops is leaving shortages of other crops needed for crafting,I can not fill half of my crafting tasks and am running short of fuel planting and harvesting so much,am also on farms so much I miss loads of postings from neighbours.
When are we going to be able to store more than 400 bushels. We had 400 when we had one farm. Now we have 4 and need to plant so many more items to make things...I am always full and lose bushels because I have no place to put them...please give us more bushel storage...
the quests that are coming up don't match the items on this list.
KITTEN WITH MITTENS!!??!??!?!?!??!!?!!
OMG i have to do this retarded thing to get her.
I loose all mission becose I can t share the request.......BS!!!
I think that it is insane - those of you that "Quit Farmville" or are "Going to quit Farmville" over the Quests... JUST QUIT THE QUESTS and play the game as you have the time. The quests are not mandatory!!!
It reminds me of my not so bright nephew who quit his job because his hours were cut by 5 hours a week!!! How STUPID!!! He should have taken the 5 hour cut a week and used that extra hour a day to look for another job... but noooo - he got mad and then had ZERO hours.
It's basically the same thing... now you have lost a game you enjoyed because you got mad!!
Now number 3 is wrong also it states 4 bowls of soup and wants 8 can you people not count.
If steps #2 & #3 state wrong amount needed of items (pigeons and bowls of soup) and #3 is twice as many then how many of the others are wrong and the amount needed is twice as many as shown on this post? We are having to ask for too many things already such as those ice mounds that take 45 pickaxes. Need to be able to request these items from friends who are not FB friends and not just sending and getting special
deliveries from them that contain boards, bricks, and nails which are almost useless.
quest #3: says you need 4 bowls of soup but on the actual quest it shows your progress out of 8... huh?? doesn't compute. which is it, 4 or 8?
giving up on farmville, too many quest and outrages demands for crops to grow! It is hard to work a fulltime job and get 3quest at a time done before they expire. The game just isn't fun and relaxing anymore!
we need a bigger farm for winter wonderland with coins too you want 200 in this quest and some of us only have 190 plots come on give us the farm for coins... if you agree please comment too. thanks
well whoever wrote about the counting they are all wrong putting on 4 and asking for 8 your right i don;t think they can count, making 80,800 million a year i bet they can count that though...
The winter wonder quest is stuck on number one on my farm. It has been this way for 3 days and cant go any futher. I hate that, I will miss out on the rewards of the quest. Is anyone else having trouble ? I like the quest. I work full time,have a child in school, but on Sat. My husband and I have fun with this game
Yes I am having the same trouble my quest is also stuck on #1
Please can we expand winter wonderland for coins, I cant afford to buy FV cash and I'm running out of space, my farm looks like a junk yard :-)
this inf is wrong... not your fault, but ZYNGA changes quantities and items. 8 BOWLS OF SOUP!!! and it's doing it in most quests
I harvested my orchard with my Noir trees and none of them counted does anyone know if this is because they are in orchards or have the same problem?
Cool, Which seems to be very important and it made good time pass for me. I will always give a nice thrust look in to you from my bookmark feed. I don’t actually comment and don’t like to spend time in typing the comment.
i'm not happy cos i'm not receiving the items i ask for on the quests,people are sending them but i got getting them eg..Testimonials 7 people sent and i never got any of them. so unfair cos i cant finish quests !!!!
This quest takes forever to finish. I am on #7 and I will stop on #9. I will not going to spend real cash for WW land upgrade, no way. Coin upgrade is not working, plus those rewords that I can have after completing levels # 10, 11 and 12, I do not want them. Well if I have more space on my land and time to complete this quest, that is different story, but having something like Iced Yety Cave, Beluga Whale in my storage it does not make any difference for me if I going to have it or not. Plus, I will probably going to have 1 mystery sign less if I am not going to have Ice Yety, so frustration is over
What do I do if i accidentally sold my snowball tree?
What do I do if I lost my snowball tree???
I started this quest and I didn't get the noir tree, so I got stuck and couldn't move forward!!!!!
I don't even try for these anymore.....some don't give u time to do them anyway.....PLUS there is no room on WW to plant if I want anything else there!!!!!!!!......They say we're suppose to have an expand for coin's, but still saying $$$$$$....NO WAY I'LL LAY OUT REAL MONEY!!!!!!!
I have no room on my winter wonderland farm. I'm on a fix income and only expand with coins. If we don't get coins expands soon I will not be able to play anymore. i do love this game but without room on winter wonderland farm I can not play
only have 190 plots.will not let me add more . with this guest I'll need 200 to get to the end that mean I plant 190 one day then 10 the next to complete the guest. does tha make sense?
i just sold "Snowball Tree" can any one tell how can i gt again this tree plz coz my quest 7 panding just coz of Snowball Tree plzzzzzzzzzzz
i fed up, i'm not receiving the items i ask for on the quests,people are sending them but i don't get can't finish the quests 4 days in 2 quest already everything finished in them except what i ask
WHF, where is my Inspector penguin, I am sorry but i finished the step #9, and I should get Inspector Penguin, and I did not, at first I thought that i am getting crazy, but I DID NOT GET IT, i cant finish this quest. WTF
it takes 10 days to do the first star mastery of messenger sheep !!
Some one please HELP... what am I ding that I can not harvest my crops in winer wond land
I never received a mini arctic fox, so please some one tell me how I am going to finish,(Winter Wonderland chapter 5 quest.Why does this have to freeze up and a number of other things need fixing.Please fix something. Thank you for your time.
I've been working on Winter Wonderland quest since day one. I'm only up to #6 with one day to go. There are 12 quests in this. The igloo is on winter farm, it's on the left of train staion.
I'm getting tired of trying to post requests & fv not posting them. Can't finish the quests if i can't get the stuff.
I do mastered crops all the time. animals are ready about 1 day. I do not do whole quests if there is in the end something what I do not want, like xp book. only 1 lvl and 1 fv- cash. greedy zynga
Oh gosh...this stupid Messenger Sheep need so many days to harvest & to complete Ice Scene Investigation Quest 6....Damn ^^lll"
My inspector penguin isn't advancing when I harvest the animals. He is stuck on 4 of 5 harvests towards the first star. I should have the 1st star plus 2 more harvests towards the second one.
i have had alot of problems with quest 5. I have been harvesting my snowball tree for days and don't get credit for it. This has happened more than once on this quest can you fix this please? Thanks
1. Farmville XP Winter Wonderland Chapter 5 Quest!
2.Free Coins Framville
I have been having this problem for 2 days I can not finish my quest because I do not receive the things you need to finish them I post them and everyone is sending them to me but they are not going to my quest I click on send to other farmers and it says you will find it in your gift box not able to find it and it does not go to my quest Please fix this I have already lost quest because of this
I DID NOT get a beluga whale--which is the only reason I went through the stupid quest in the first place. Beware--this site says you get a certain reward and it isn't always right!
No es justo!!! la granja de wonderland no me deja poner los 200 cuadritos, solo me deja poner 190 y por eso tuve que sembrar dos veces y el tiempo del quest ya se acaba y no alcanzare a completar el paso 11 y no podre ganarme la beluga whale
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