Players of multiple games have reported that they are having issues seeing their own Zynga game feed posts or posts from their neighbors. In some cases, older posts for these games have disappeared as well. We understand that posting and collecting from feed posts is an important part of our games.
We have notified our engineering teams and they are working on a fix.
There is no need to submit an email for this issue as we have enough information to
research a fix. To help us out, click Please Fix below to help us keep track of
the total number of affected players.
Mi E sparito l'abero giant heartflake voglio risposta gazie
Here we go again! Fix it already then!
And I'm gone I want to answer the Aber giant heartflake Gazie
I seriously think this isn't a Zynga problem, but a Facebook problem. I mean if Facebook changed something that causes this to happen then it's up to Facebook to let everyone know. It's not Zynga's posts that aren't showing up. It is all games that don't post at all. I cannot believe this has happened twice in two days.
You should at least extend the time delay on your quests
im not getting post in my wall from pioneer trail
Én nagyon gondolkozom azon vége lesz a Facebook/Zynga kapcsolatomnak.Sok játékot kedvelek és nem tudok azokkal játszani.Nem töltődik be fele lemarad nincsenek épületek,termelések.Nincs kilépési,nagyítási tovább lépési lehetőség több játéknál!!!Ez már nekem több hét óta így van!!!!Kinek jó ez így???!!!
This has been happening to me for at least 2 months now! They tell me to change my server, I have an excellent server and they need to stop blaming the servrs. Maybe we should notify advertisors of both Zynga and Facebook, If we are not online we are not seeing their ads!!!
Zynga, get it together!! You HAVE to extend all quests by at least 2 days...you are wasting my time and money here and seriously pissing me off!!!
Buttonhole fix it soon greetings !!
We need more time to complete our quests,how about ?
what about to extend the quests!!!! I can't help my neighbors nore can I ask for help !!!!! :-(
you all see the Band aid when you vote?....these problems continue to occur because that is all the fix Zynga does....applies a band aid instead performing surgery....cheap "fixes"
a quand les réparations faites!!!!!!!!!!!
Zynga really needs to get this issue fixed. People spend alot of time and money on their games. Perhaps they need to slow down a little. I believe they have too many things going on at the same time. They have these quests going on and i am sure that new things will be added for valentines day. I have these problems every time they add something. Now they added billboards and extensions on them and they won't even take animals or trees so i imagine that is coming down the road!Our servers? With the millions of people they have playing their games..maybe THEIR servers need looking at!
No Feed !!! :( unable to help my neighbors nore can I ask for help !!!!! :-(
i have no feeds at all for my games plz fix this
Is it hard to fix your own bug? Then put all your people to fix it permanently, they created it, they should be able to fix it. FV have more bugs than the features they have added. The bugs have been there growing and mutating without any fix seen. They will say they are working or aware of the problem and that's all you get, when they say they fix it and lo and behold the bugs resurrect on the next day.
Thought I was the only one with this issue!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank Goodness,Fix it already,PLS Thank U!
great now i have to ever pay farm cash to unwither my crops or start over this is great wondering why i play
Please extend the time to complete everything...it is now even more difficult to play....
por favor extiendan los tiempos de las misiones, son muchas en poco tiempo y este juego ya se está convirtiendo en una tortura en vez de un tiempo dedicado a la recreación
this is a pain in the ass we should not have to put up with shit they need to fix this now i am not going to finish the last task because my friend's can not send me what i need this is twice now how can we enjoy playing if we get kicked off the game or can not post what we need wtf errrrr
Get rid of the timeline i mean it cause we all hate it also please fix the news feed right now otherwise you're (Zynga and facebook) into big trouble... take care ("j)
this was posted by a friend....
Info on postings not showing up: I just found this in the forums also -
"A friend just got through talking to Live Chat about this and it IS a facebook problem. According to Zynga CS, last week more than 45,000 FB accounts were hacked and they are doing MAJOR upgrades to security and it's affecting the wall feeds. As soon as they finish the upgrades our feeds will be back. "
Can't see any FV game post and am having trouble being able to send gifts.Please fix this because I really enjoy playing FarmVille.Thank you!!!
The game started for people to give so we are all giving neighbors that need to share our gifts! Your greed is getting the best of you and you should be ashamed to be so greedy to such giving people. I am an old farmer that has a horse stable which is now obsolete and the one horse stable works better than all the breeders I have now put together and you called that a glitch! It seems you are getting worse instead of better and being more greedy than giving and sometimes when you want more and more, you end up with less or nothing! Concentrate on giving more gifts (we like the free balloon tosses) and stop making quests or make them at least attainable without spending Farmville cash! Fix current problems before creating new things! Thank you!
I can,t get out of the Chrismas . Olease help me to get back to my farm. Enough of it PLEASE!!!!
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